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Information provided to the European Parliament or to the Council on the Recovery and Resilience Plans

  • 19 MARCH 2024
RRF state of play and mid-term evaluation (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 23 JANUARY 2024
Lessons learned from the RRF for the future of EU strategic investments (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 11 OCTOBER 2023
Italy 3rd Payment request (EFC meeting of 11/09)
  • 8 OCTOBER 2023
Romania 2nd Payment request (EFC meeting of 01/09)
  • 10 AUGUST 2023
RRF 2nd Payment request – ROMANIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 07/07)
  • 18 JULY 2023
REPowerEU chapters and the progress of their adoption, with a focus on decarbonisation efforts and the involvement of stakeholders (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 23 JUNE 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – LUXEMBOURG. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 23/05)
  • 12 JUNE 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – LUXEMBOURG. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 10/05)
  • 27 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – DENMARK. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 27/03)
  • 27 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – LITHUANIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 27/03)
  • 27 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – AUSTRIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 27/03)
  • 27 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – SLOVENIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 27/03)
  • 17 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – SLOVENIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/03)
  • 17 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – AUSTRIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/03)
  • 17 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – LITHUANIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 13/03)
  • 17 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – DENMARK. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 13/03)
  • 5 APRIL 2023
RRF 3rd Payment request – SPAIN. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 10/03)
  • 5 APRIL 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – CZECHIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 2/03)
  • 5 APRIL 2023
RRF 2nd Payment request – SLOVAKIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 2/03)
  • 5 APRIL 2023
RRF 3rd Payment request – SPAIN. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 28/02)
  • 16 MARCH 2023
RRF 2nd Payment request – SLOVAKIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/02)
  • 16 MARCH 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – CZECHIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 16/02)
  • 16 MARCH 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – MALTA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 15/02)
  • 9 MARCH 2023
RRF 1st Payment request – MALTA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 6/02)
  • 1 MARCH 2023
The RRF: 2 years on. A unique instrument at the heart of the EU’s green and digital transformation (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 9 FEBRUARY 2023
RRF 2nd Payment request – PORTUGAL. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 9/01)
  • 17 JANUARY 2023
RRF 2nd Payment request – GREECE. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 15/12)
  • 14 DECEMBER 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – BULGARIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/11)
  • 14 DECEMBER 2022
RRF 2nd Payment request – CROATIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/11)
  • 14 DECEMBER 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – CYPRUS. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 14/11)
  • 16 JUNE 2022
Economic, employment, social and environmental impacts of the RRF and on the REPowerEU proposal (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 17 MAY 2022
RRF in the context of the REPowerEU proposal (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 17 JUNE 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – CROATIA. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 17/05)
  • 20 APRIL 2022
Follow-up to RRF and the European Semester (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 12 MAY 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – PORTUGAL. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 12/04)
  • 4 MAY 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – PORTUGAL. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 1/04)
  • 22 MARCH 2022
RRF – lessons learned for future EU economic architecture and governance (ECON-BUDG Working group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 20 APRIL 2022
The 2022 RRF Annual Report (EPC meeting of 17/03)
  • 20 APRIL 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – GREECE. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 18/03)
  • 20 APRIL 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – ITALY. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 18/03)
  • 17 MARCH 2022
RRF and state of play on implementation (EMPL committee meeting)
  • 8 MARCH 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – GREECE. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 8/03)
  • 8 MARCH 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – ITALY. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 8/03)
  • 11 FEBRUARY 2022
RRF 1st Payment request – FRANCE. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EFC meeting of 11/02)
  • 8 FEBRUARY 2022
RRF operational arrangements - the evaluation of the fulfilment of milestones and targets and control mechanisms of the Commission (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 25 JANUARY 2022
RRF and budgetary implementation (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 9 DECEMBER 2021
RRF 1st Payment request – SPAIN. Preliminary positive assessment by the Commission (EPC meeting of 9/12)
  • 15 DECEMBER 2021
RRF and InvestEU (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 2 DECEMBER 2021
European Pillar of Social Rights (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 17 NOVEMBER 2021
European Semester (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 26 OCTOBER 2021
Council WP Industry and Single Market presentation
  • 19 OCTOBER 2021
Presentation to the Council of Finland’s RRP
  • 19 OCTOBER 2021
Presentation to the Council of Estonia’s RRP
  • 19 OCTOBER 2021
Synergies with other EU actions and programmes (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 13 OCTOBER 2021
Protection of the financial interests of the Union – Rule of Law (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 13 OCTOBER 2021
Recovery and Resilience Plans: Contribution to climate target – update (Economic Policy Committee)
  • 8 OCTOBER 2021
European Commission promoting the visibility of the RRF
  • 8 OCTOBER 2021
Overview national RRP communication strategies - Annex I
  • 8 OCTOBER 2021
Overview national RRF communication strategies - Annex II
  • 6 OCTOBER 2021
Factual information on Recovery and Resilience Plans (Part 1)
  • 6 OCTOBER 2021
Factual information on Recovery and Resilience Plans (Part 2)
  • 6 OCTOBER 2021
Factual information on Recovery and Resilience Plans (Part 3)
  • 6 OCTOBER 2021
Factual information on Recovery and Resilience Plans (Part 4)
  • 30 SEPTEMBER 2021
Exchange of views with the European Parliament: State of play of the HU and PL RRPsv (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2021
Overview of instalments for 18 Member States as agreed in Council Implementing Decisions (grants and loans)
  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2021
Overview of Milestones and Targets on audit and control agreed with Member States as approved by Council
  • 29 SEPTEMBER 2021
Overview of Milestones and Targets on audit and control agreed with Member States
  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2021
Euro area priorities in RRPs (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 24 SEPTEMBER 2021
Euro-area priorities (Eurogroup Working Group)
  • 8 SEPTEMBER 2021
Delegated acts (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 7 JULY 2021
Horizontal observations (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 29 JUNE 2021
Health resilience (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 24 JUNE 2021
Social, employment and education measures (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 23 JUNE 2021
Horizontal observations (Economic and Financial Committee)
  • 17 JUNE 2021
Information on the recovery and resilience plans I
  • 17 JUNE 2021
Information on the recovery and resilience plans II
  • 17 JUNE 2021
Information on the recovery and resilience plans III
  • 17 JUNE 2021
Follow-up to the European Parliament resolution of 10 June 2021 (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 3 JUNE 2021
Draft delegated acts (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 27 MAY 2021
Six pillars and European added value (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 26 MAY 2021
Green transition - State of play (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 17 MAY 2021
Digital transformation pillar (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 6 MAY 2021
The Recovery and Resilience Facility - State of play (ECON-BUDG Working Group on the scrutiny of the Recovery and Resilience Facility)
  • 2 MARCH 2021
Cost estimates in the RRPs (Economic Policy Committee)
  • 2 MARCH 2021
Audit and control (Economic Policy Committee)
  • 2 MARCH 2021
Setting milestones and targets (Economic Policy Committee)
  • 18 FEBRUARY 2021
"Do not significant harm" - Technical guidance (Economic Policy Committee)