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European civil service

Staff working for the European Commission are part of the European civil service.

Around 32,000 permanent and contract employees work in the Commission. These include policy officers, researchers, lawyers and translators.

Code of conduct

European civil servants are guided by and must observe a code of conduct when exercising their professional duties both while in office and after leaving. These rules are laid out in the staff regulations and code of good administrative behaviour.

If a citizen considers that a Commission employee has breached the code of conduct, they may file a complaint. 

Code of conduct for staff

Key figures on European Commission staff

The HR Key Figures and the Statistical Bulletin report the nationality of staff based on their first declared nationality. For geographical balance, use the dedicated corresponding reports, which implement COM(2018) 377 final/2 for this purpose.

HR key figures

Key figures on European Commission Staff on 1st January 2024

The HR Key figures dashboard gives you access to high level aggregated data on Commission staff.

HR Key figures from previous years


For help understanding this data, use theNationality (ISO code).


Statistical bulletin

Statistical Bulletin HR - July 2024

Statistical Bulletin HR - April 2024

Statistical Bulletin HR - January 2024

The statistical bulletin allows access to much more detailed data, broken down by Directorate-General, staff grade, gender, age, nationality, etc.

Statistical Bulletins from previous years

Distribution by nationality of EU Institutions' staff

  • 24 AUGUST 2018
Report: Distribution by nationality of European Commission and other EU Institution staff - COM/2018/377 FINAL 2