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Consumer Protection in Financial Services

Consumer credit rights, the Standard European Consumer Credit Information form, creditworthiness assessment, debt advice and distance marketing of financial services. 

Review of the Consumer Credit Directive (2008/48/EC) and new Directive 2023/2225 on credit agreements for consumers

As part of its EU consumer policy revision, the Commission undertook a review of the Consumer Credit Directive (2008/48/EC). The initiative followed its evaluation published in 2020, which highlighted several challenges hindering its functioning, in particular in terms of scope, information provision and creditworthiness assessment. The review, also included among the New Consumer Agenda actions, took into account the impact of COVID-19 on the credit market and on consumers, including vulnerable ones.

The new Directive (EU) 2023/2225 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 October 2023 on credit agreements for consumers and repealing Directive 2008/48/EC was published on 30 October 2023. To find out more, visit the Consumer credit webpage.

Credit rights

When taking out consumer credit, there are rules in place to guarantee a way out, should it be needed.

The right to make informed decisions

Consumers have the right to obtain advertisements containing standard information, and  request information from the credit provider on the terms and conditions of the contract. This pre-contractual information has to contain all the standardised items, which will be later replicated in the contract.

The right to change your mind

 After signing a credit agreement, consumers have the right to change their mind and withdraw from credit agreement without giving any reason within 14 days. 

The right to pay back ahead of time

If consumers are able to pay back their credit earlier than foreseen in the contract, they have the right to pay back their credit ahead of time.

Consumer credit information

 A creditor must always provide key information in a standardised format called the Standard European Consumer Credit Information form.

Such form must put out the total cost of the credit expressed as an annual percentage of the total amount of credit - the annual percentage rate of charge (APR) - to help consumers to compare different offers. The Commission issued Guidelines in 2012 on the cost of credit and the APR. The Commission issued Guidelines in 2012 on the cost of credit and the APR.

A calculator based on the Consumer Credit Directive provisions is available to help users (including regulators, consumers, creditors) calculating the APR of a given value of credit.

  • 13 JUNE 2017
Standard European consumer credit information
  • 9 NOVEMBER 2018
Guidelines on Consumer Credit Directive

Creditworthiness assessment: principles and mapping

In the Consumer Credit Directive it is required that creditors do not engage in irresponsible lending and that they should bear the responsibility of checking individually the creditworthiness of consumers.

In its March 2017 Consumer Financial Services Action Plan: Better Products, More Choice, the Commission announced it would seek to introduce common creditworthiness assessment standards and principles for lending to consumers. A mapping of national approaches to creditworthiness assessment under Directive 2008/48/EC has been prepared with the input of national authorities.

Over-indebtedness and Debt Advice

 Project of European Commission on debt-advice

This Project, carried out between 2020 and 2021 included 3 diverse tasks, namely:

  • a Study on the Funding of Debt-Advice;
  • two meetings addressed to the Exchange of Best Practices among debt-advice providers;
  • two sets of Capacity Building events, in which expert debt-advice providers coming from countries where debt-advice is well developed explained their activities to future possible debt-advice providers coming from countries where debt-advice is still non-adequately developed.

This Report contains the results and the consequent outcome of this initiative. Among the most relevant conclusions, we can quote:

  • a clarification of the resources needed for putting in place stable debt-advice services, but also an estimation of the (more reduced) resources needed to start a service where it is not available;
  • a clear confirmation of the positive and “efficient” role of debt-advice, including for creditors;
  • numerous examples of best practices, typical of specific places but well “exportable” in other countries;
  • key messages for future debt-advisers, in particular in the areas of ethical principles, concrete support for overindebted consumers, legal and emotional support;
  • fundamental information about the knowledge basis needed by potential future debt-advisers, in particular in the area of financial literacy.

In the March 2017 Consumer Financial Services Action Plan, the European Commission committed to efficiently address consumer over-indebtedness linked to credit activities.

In 2008 and 2013, The Commission published two major studies on the over-indebtedness of European households, which both concluded that personalised debt advice is one of the most effective tools to address households' over-indebtedness.

A Stakeholder Forum on Debt Advice, ​attended by representatives of all the categories involved (financial and debt service industry, debt advisors, charities, consumer associations, experts from public administrations and academics) has taken place on 10 October 2018 to promote exchange of expertise on this topic.

Please find below the conclusions and the agenda.

  • 12 OCTOBER 2018
Conclusions of 2018 Debt Advice Stakeholders Forum
  • 8 OCTOBER 2018
Debt-Advice Stakeholders Forum 10 October 2018 - Agenda
  • 16 JANUARY 2019
Main elements of the discussion and presentations

Distance marketing of financial services

Directive 2002/65/EC on distance marketing of financial services protects consumers when they sign a contract with a retail financial services provider in another EU country.

The Directive puts in place rules to ensure that the consumer receives comprehensive information from the provider and that he/she has the right to withdraw from the contract during a cooling-off period.  It prohibits abusive marketing practices and restricts other practices such as unsolicited phone calls and emails.

The Directive is currently under review.

Behavioural study on digitalisation

The study looks into the impacts on consumers of practices used by providers of retail financial services when marketing and selling their products online and suggests ways to improve how consumers are informed when they look to obtain financial products on the internet, such as consumer credit or bank accounts.

Some of the main findings:

  • Consumers make better choices when information is provided to them upfront and saliently, at the right time and in a format that helps comparison. Information presented in one go, in a simple and structured comparison table particularly helps vulnerable consumers and users of smartphones.

  • Some practices nudge consumers into making speedy purchasing decisions, which can cause consumers to make rushed, and potentially bad, decisions. The study shows that slowing down the process improve consumer decision.

The study has also collected evidence on the impact on consumers of a few additional practices, such as those pertaining to the design of the product, the use of personalisation and targeting techniques and the use of tools to help consumers in their decision-making process.

Findings from the study will inform the ongoing evaluations of the Directives on Consumer Credit and Distance Marketing of Financial Services to be finalised at the end of 2019.

  • 9 APRIL 2019
Digitalisation of Financial Services - Executive Summary - EN
  • 8 APRIL 2019
Digitalisation of Financial Services - Executive Summary - FR
  • 8 APRIL 2019
Digitalisation of Financial Services - Executive Summary - DE
  • 8 APRIL 2019
Digitalisation of Financial Services - Main Report
  • 8 APRIL 2019
Digitalisation of Financial Services - Annexes