EU policies and action on promoting sustainable agriculture, including reducing emissions, biofuels and land use change.
EU action to improve air quality and reduce air pollution.
EU action to ensure chemicals are safe, for health and the environment.
The EU aims to transition to a circular economy to make Europe cleaner and more competitive.
EU action to promote sustainable urban environments through climate change adaptation, energy-efficient buildings and green city initiatives.
Through EU policy, legislation and strategies the EU has set itself the goal of becoming a climate-resilient society by 2050, fully adapted to the unavoidable impacts of climate change.
Overview of EU policy, legislation and action for energy.
EU policies to ensure European industrial activities minimise environmental impact, lower risk of industrial accidents, and provide data on pollutant emissions.
EU policy on coastal and marine waters, and environmental threats to Europe's seas.
Overview of EU policy, legislation and action for environmental conservation and protection.
Causes, health effects and levels of noise pollution in the EU and EU noise policy.
EU action on plastic production and pollution to contribute to a circular economy.
Using scientific research to inform the EU's environmental policy-making.
Overview of EU policy and action for sustainable use of soil and land.
EU policy and legislation on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants from road transport, ships, planes and fuels.
EU action to promote the sustainability of European cities.
EU legislation, policy and action on waste management, recycling, streams and treatment.
Overview of EU policy, legislation and action for water issues.