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Get Help - Info 2

Talk to us

How to access the help you need

The first step to access our services is to contact our free 24-hour confidential mental health Helpline. You can call, text or email our Helpline. Family members, friends and carers can also contact us for help and advice. Our specially trained team will provide advice and support about how we, or other organisations, can help.

0800 138 1619

You can also text on 07537 173683 or email 

Standard charges may apply for texts, please check with your provider.

Combat Stress and our helpline are not a crisis service.  If you are in an emergency situation and need urgent support please call the emergency services via 999 or the Samaritans via 116 123.



Self-help Online


Developed by the clinical experts at Combat Stress, these resources aim to provide guidance and support to former military personnel experiencing mental health issues.


Herbie's story: "Combat Stress is a place you can trust."