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Questions tagged [graphical-output]

This challenge involves drawing pictures on a screen or generating image files. For pure ASCII art contests, use [ascii-art] instead. If participants can choose between graphics and ASCII art, use both tags. For images as input, use [image-processing].

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18 votes
10 answers

Mexican Hat Challenge, #メキシカンハットチャレンジ

The hashtag #メキシカンハットチャレンジ* appeared on my X/twitter feed today. Japanese hackers have been drawing the "Mexican Hat Potential" 3D curve on all sorts of ...
roblogic's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Waiting girl's face

In June 2023, at Xenium Party 2023, a 4KB intro created by Wacek, Luke, and Jammer for the Commodore 64 was presented, featuring the face of a waiting girl. The task is to write the shortest possible ...
Kamil Kiełczewski's user avatar
15 votes
9 answers

Draw a Regular Reuleaux Polygon

Related: Draw A Reuleaux Triangle!, Draw a regular polygon A Reuleaux polygon is a curve of constant width made up of circular arcs of constant radius. The most well-known Reuleaux polygon is the ...
noodle person's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Plot the ground path of a satellite

If you model a satellite as a free point orbiting a body, you can pretty easily see it has 6 degrees of freedom: three for the X, Y, and Z position, and three for the X, Y, and Z velocity. However, ...
guest4308's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Visually arrange multi-day events on a calendar

The arrangement algorithm I think I've determined the algorithm that Google Calendar uses to visually arrange day-long and longer events at the top of the "Week" view (you may have an ...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Draw a Fibonacci Swoosh

Title courtesy of Greg Martin For this challenge, I'll define an arc of size \$k\$ as a single piece of a sine wave with a length of \$k\$ units and an height of \$\frac{k}{4}\$ units: And I'll ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 43.2k
6 votes
7 answers

Displaying Inky the ghost from Pac-Man using ANSI escape codes

Challenge Display Inky the ghost from Pac-Man using only ANSI escape codes. Here's a text representation of the image ...
vengy's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Inscribe a maximal regular polygon into a square image

You want to draw a regular polygon but you have limited space! In this challenge, you should draw a polygon with n sides which is as big as possible for a given square container image. I found ...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 13.8k
15 votes
19 answers

Output an image

Interestingly, although there are challenges that work with images, there is no challenge to simply output an image. This is that challenge Goal: output an image in the shortest possible code. Output: ...
Jakav's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Convert numbers to dice patterns

The way points are assigned on a dice follows a regular pattern, the center dot is present if and only if the number is odd. To represent the even numbers, pairs of dots on opposite sides of the ...
bsoelch's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

My eight braille pattern progressive snake spinner

Introduction I would like to drawn a nice spinner by using eight braille patterns on two lines, drawing a square of 8x8 pixel, for showing a kind of snake growing and reducing: ...
F. Hauri  - Give Up GitHub's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

Draw the GKMS aperiodic tile

Chaim Goodman-Strauss, Craig Kaplan, Joseph Myers and David Smith found the following simple (both objectively and subjectively) polygon that tiles the plane, but only aperiodically: Indeed they ...
Parcly Taxel's user avatar
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9 votes
6 answers

Draw Parcly Taxel's cutie mark

I've been a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic for a long time, and very early on I created a pony version of myself also called Parcly Taxel (warning: may be too cute to look at). The symbol ...
Parcly Taxel's user avatar
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27 votes
25 answers

Draw a Gameboy Tile

Description The Gameboy stores tiles as 2 bit-per-pixel 8x8 images, thus 16 bytes. Every two bytes is a complete row with all of the Low-bits of each pixel in the first byte, and all of the High-bits ...
ATaco's user avatar
  • 11k
16 votes
4 answers

Create a triangle whose colors are determined by the bitsums of coordinates

Write a program that, for any \$n\$, generates a triangle made of hexagons as shown, \$2^n\$ to a side. The colors are to be determined as follows. We may give the triangle barycentric coordinates so ...
Akiva Weinberger's user avatar

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