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5 votes
5 answers

Fractions nobody needs (because they can be reduced to a simpler form)

It happened in the 19th century. Georg was bored and started counting the rational numbers. Surprisingly, he discovered that there were no more of them than natural numbers. This insight made Georg ...
Sophia Antipolis's user avatar
18 votes
11 answers

Count squares in my pi approximation

One way to approximate π is the following: Start by drawing a 2x2 square with a quarter-circle in it. Then, the area of the quarter-circle is π. We can approximate this area by filling it with ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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11 votes
10 answers

Smallest prime q such that concatenation (p+q)"q is a prime

Let p, q, and c := (p + q)"q (where " denotes concatenation) be positive integers such that p and c are primes and q is the smallest prime such that c is prime. Such a prime triple (p, q, (p ...
Sophia Antipolis's user avatar
15 votes
10 answers

Sylvester primes

Sylvester's sequence can be defined recursively S(n) = S(n-1)*(S(n-1) + 1) for n >= 1 starting S(0) = 1. Since S(n) and S(n) + 1 have no common divisors, it follows that S(n) has at least one more ...
Sophia Antipolis's user avatar
15 votes
15 answers

Sums of X*Y chunks of the nonnegative integers

Consider the infinite table of the nonnegative integers with width 12: ...
noodle person's user avatar
14 votes
16 answers

Rabinowitz-Wagon \$\pi\$ formula

In 1995, Stanley Rabinowitz and Stan Wagon found an interesting algorithm to generate the digits of \$\pi\$ one by one without storing the previous results. The algorithm is called the spigot ...
alephalpha's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

Generate a subgroup of a free group

In group theory, the free group with \$n\$ generators can be obtained by taking \$n\$ distinct symbols (let's call them \$a, b, c ...\$ etc), along with their inverses \$ a^{-1},b^{-1},c^{-1} ...\$ . ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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17 votes
24 answers

Smallest Harmonic number greater than N

The sequence of Harmonic numbers are the sums of the reciprocals of the first k natural numbers (not including zero): \${\displaystyle H_{k}=1+{\frac {1}{2}}+{\frac {1}{3}}+\cdots +{\frac {1}{k}}=\sum ...
noodle person's user avatar
18 votes
18 answers

Output the inventory sequence

Goal Write a program that outputs this list: ...
12431234123412341234123's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Where are zeros? Self-describing sequence

Background A167519: Lexicographically earliest increasing sequence which lists the positions of the zero digits in the sequence. ...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
16 votes
6 answers

Golfing the complexity with subtraction

The Mahler-Popken complexity, \$C(N)\$, of a positive integer, \$N\$, is the smallest number of ones (\$1\$) that can be used to form \$N\$ in a mathematical expression using only the integer* \$1\$ ...
Jonathan Allan's user avatar
13 votes
11 answers

*Trivial* near-repdigit perfect powers

Task Output the sequence that precisely consists of the following integers in increasing order: the 2nd and higher powers of 10 (\$10^i\$ where \$i \ge 2\$), the squares of powers of 10 times 2 or 3 (...
Bubbler's user avatar
  • 78.2k
14 votes
10 answers

Enumerate all matches of a regex

related For this challenge, we'll be using a simplified dialect of regular expressions, where: A lowercase letter from a to z ...
emanresu A's user avatar
  • 42.4k
10 votes
4 answers

Output a 1-2-3-5-7... sequence

Follow-up of my previous challenge, inspired by @emanresu A's question, and proven possible by @att (Mathematica solution linked) For the purposes of this challenge, a 1-2-3-5-7... sequence is an ...
Tbw's user avatar
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21 votes
15 answers

Output a 1-2-3 sequence

For the purposes of this challenge, a 1-2-3 sequence is an infinite sequence of increasing positive integers such that for any positive integer \$n\$, exactly one of \$n, 2n,\$ and \$3n\$ appears in ...
Tbw's user avatar
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