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7 votes
1 answer

Literate Programming in Base 26

Your task is to convert non-empty strings - between strings using the 26 letters, and programs, which are strings of bytes, where each byte has 256 possible values. You should use the same codepage ...
Command Master's user avatar
-11 votes
13 answers

Check if my input was 'hi whats up' without using any of those letters in your code

Write a script, program or function which takes one input of type string and outputs or returns some sort of indication wether the input string was 'hi whats up' (without the apostrophes) or not. You ...
Squareoot's user avatar
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-12 votes
8 answers

Write "tut-tut-tut" without using "tut"

Following this question: Tut-tut-tut-tut-tut Write a program that writes "tut-tut-tut" without using the characters "t", "u" or "-" in the code itself. This is ...
JuanCa's user avatar
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13 votes
10 answers

Autogrammatic pairs

For today's task, we have two programs, P and Q, both in the same language. Each of them receives a single-character input. If P receives character K, P says how many times K appeared in Q. (You can ...
AndrewTheCodegolfer's user avatar
17 votes
20 answers

And and… and. And.?

Introduction: Inspired by the Puzzling-stackexchange post with the same name, which I've answered four years ago: Can you create a perfectly valid English sentence, which makes perfect sense, but ...
Kevin Cruijssen's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Get string "-" with JavaScript using only the symbols from "+[]"

Challenge: Get the JavaScript string value containing only the "-" character using code only containing the following three symbols: ...
David Callanan's user avatar
15 votes
15 answers

Restricted-source polyglot string

Your goal is to write a program that prints the string abc in two languages. However, while the full code will print abc in one ...
fle's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers


The world has been invaded by aliens. They are everywhere killing people and taking over the world. You are hiding with your friend. They have one weakness - the high pitched sounds. You can't go ...
Duarte Arribas's user avatar
26 votes
25 answers

Detect Perfect Pairings

Let's have a function \$f\$ that takes a string and removes all pairs of adjacent identical characters. For example \$f(a\color{red}{bb}ba\color{red}{cc}) = aba\$ Note that when two pairs overlap ...
Wheat Wizard's user avatar
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85 votes
42 answers

Non-discriminating Programming

We say a string is non-discriminating if each of the string's characters appears the same number of times and at least twice. Examples "aa!1 1 !a !1" is non-...
Laikoni's user avatar
  • 26.3k
-5 votes
14 answers

Count the number of "e"s in a string without using the letter "e" [closed]

Your code may not contain the letter "e", but must count the number of "e"s in the inputted string and output that as a number. Bonus points if you use a language that is not a codegolf language and a ...
vityavv's user avatar
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-4 votes
10 answers

Trim a String without Builtins [closed]

Given text, remove leading and trailing whitespace (spaces, tabs, and newlines). Alternate title: Implement your own string trimming. Input ASCII text (printable + spaces, tabs (...
Stephen's user avatar
  • 14k
3 votes
14 answers

Hello... eh, who?

Introduction You started to write a "Hello, World!" program, but after you wrote the part to print the hello, you forgot what your program should actually print. So now, you somehow managed it to ...
univalence's user avatar
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7 votes
16 answers

plz send teh codez!

Note to Moderators and editors: This post's title is for effect and should not be changed. The misspelling is intentional and part of the challenge. Backstory The (stereo)typical bad SO question ...
user avatar
118 votes
76 answers

I'm a palindrome. Are you?

There have been a couple of previous attempts to ask this question, but neither conforms to modern standards on this site. Per discussion on Meta, I'm reposting it in a way that allows for fair ...
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