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7 votes
7 answers

Build the first 6 letters of an Italian codice fiscale (tax identification number)

Given a single string with a person's name and surname, output the first 6 characters of their codice fiscale. Codice fiscale Codice fiscale is a 16-character long alphanumeric string that identifies (...
Nicola Sap's user avatar
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9 votes
14 answers

Convert CSV tables to MediaWiki tables

Input a CSV table, like this: data00,data01,data02,...,data0m data10,data11,data12,...,data1m ... datan0,datan1,datan2,...,datanm The cells in the CSV table is ...
None1's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

HTML Table Parser

Input a strict subset of HTML <table> string representation as defined below. Output parsed table, while any cells who span multiple rows or columns, record ...
tsh's user avatar
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11 votes
12 answers

Rockstar Poetic Number Literals!

The Rockstar programming language has "poetic number literals", allowing you to assign nonnegative, finite (at least one Rockstar interpreter supports infinity) numbers to variables without ...
3-1-4-One-Five's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Compiler for LaTeX

Problem: Given a string representing a mathematical expression with constants (pi, e, psi, i), basic arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /), parentheses, fractions, and exponentiation, write a program or ...
3.14's user avatar
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8 votes
11 answers

Shortest path to open a letter lock

This quite literally came to me in a dream. A common combination padlock design has letters on the dials so you can set the combination to a word. Unfortunately, I can't read, but I can count. ...
pacman256's user avatar
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23 votes
12 answers

How long is this string, really?

In most programming languages, the string Hello, World! can be represented as "Hello, World!". But if you want to ...
emanresu A's user avatar
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10 votes
6 answers

Convert from Spoken Binary

This is an exact inverse of the question Convert to Spoken Binary. This introduction is copied from there. Introduction In the video the best way to count, binary is proposed as the best system of ...
Tbw's user avatar
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14 votes
17 answers

What's the character limit of this text field? [duplicate]

Someone I know has no coding experience, but has proposed an algorithm* to determine the character limit of text fields they find online. They copy a string containing the numbers from 1 to 1,000 ...
Luke Sawczak's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Parse nested absolute values 2 [duplicate]

Looking at Arnauld's answer, it seems like this version is not really more difficult than the other version, so I made it an optional requirement of the other challenge The absolute value of a number \...
bsoelch's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Parse nested absolute values

The absolute value of a number \$x\$ is normally written as \$|x|\$. The left and right side of the absolute value uses the same symbol, so it is not immediately obvious how to parse nested absolute ...
bsoelch's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

Ungolf the Wind

Weather conditions at airports are reported to pilots in METAR (METeorological Aerodrome Report) format. This format could be described as being "golfed." Here are some examples: ...
Someone's user avatar
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7 votes
0 answers

Write a proof checker for first order logic

This originally came from Give the best Chaitin incompleteness bound, but I realized that there was a fragment of this problem which still potentially gives a good coding challenge. First Order Logic ...
Charles Wang's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Expand Emmet HTML Abbreviations

Emmet is a text-editor and IDE plugin for writing HTML code using much fewer keypresses. You might think of it like a code-golfing HTML preprocessor. Its syntax is based on CSS selectors. Your ...
noodle person's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

Golf a LaTeΧ math expression

A problem I sometimes encounter is that when writing comments using LaTeX, the comment is too long. Today you will solve this, by writing code which, given a LaTeX math expression, will produce the ...
Command Master's user avatar

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