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35 votes
35 answers

Random Golf of the Day #1: Shuffle an Array

About the Series I will be running a little series of code-golf challenges revolving around the theme of randomness. This will basically be a 9-Hole Golf Course, but spread out over several questions....
Martin Ender's user avatar
39 votes
54 answers


Related but very different. A boustrophedon is a text where every other line of writing is flipped or reversed, with reversed letters. In this challenge, we will just reverse every other line, but ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 30.9k
39 votes
53 answers

Determine the depth of an array

A simple challenge for your Monday evening (well, or Tuesday morning in the other half of the world...) You're given as input a nested, potentially ragged array of positive integers: ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
28 votes
47 answers

Shortest power set implementation

Problem definition Print out the powerset of a given set. For example: [1, 2, 3] => [[], [1], [2], [3], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3], [1, 2, 3]] Each element is to ...
beatgammit's user avatar
26 votes
31 answers

Different Way Forward

Given a list of integers produce a Forward Difference at a specified order/depth. For the list of integers: (10, 18, -12, 4, 8, -3, -5, 67, 9, 14) The Forward ...
MickyT's user avatar
  • 12.2k
48 votes
16 answers

Zigzagify a Matrix

As part of its compression algorithm, the JPEG standard unrolls a matrix into a vector along antidiagonals of alternating direction: Your task is to take a matrix (not necessarily square) and return ...
Martin Ender's user avatar
37 votes
39 answers

Determinant of an Integer Matrix

Given a square integer matrix as input, output the determinant of the matrix. Rules You may assume that all elements in the matrix, the determinant of the matrix, and the total number of elements in ...
user avatar
11 votes
25 answers

Cartesian product of a list with itself n times

When given a a list of values and a positive integer n, your code should output the cartesian product of the list with itself n ...
JoshM's user avatar
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69 votes
62 answers

Count trailing truths

Inspired by, and in memory of, my dear friend and colleague, Dan Baronet, 1956 – 2016. R.I.P. He found the shortest possible APL solution to this task: Task Given a Boolean list, count the number of ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 30.9k
69 votes
61 answers

N-dimensional N^N array filled with N

In: Enough memory and a positive integer N Out: N-dimensional N^N array filled with N, where N^N means N terms of N-by-N-by-N-by... Examples: 1: [1] ...
Adám's user avatar
  • 30.9k
32 votes
46 answers

Mode (most common element) of a list

Write a snippet to calculate the mode (most common number) of a list of positive integers. For example, the mode of d = [4,3,1,0,6,1,6,4,4,0,3,1,7,7,3,4,1,1,2,8] ...
garg10may's user avatar
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27 votes
27 answers

Diamondize a Matrix

Given a matrix, output a representation of the matrix where the top left element is on top, the anti-diagonal is the central row and the bottom right element is at the bottom. For example, consider ...
Fatalize's user avatar
  • 39.2k
21 votes
16 answers

Discrete Convolution or Polynomial Multiplication

Given two non empty lists of integers, your submission should calculate and return the discrete convolution of the two. Interestingly, if you consider the list elements as coefficients of polynomials, ...
flawr's user avatar
  • 43.9k
17 votes
105 answers

Turn an integer n into a list containing it n times [closed]

Given an integer n as input, return a list containing n, repeated n times. For example, the ...
Bruno E's user avatar
  • 425
42 votes
45 answers

Skip like a rabbit!

Given a list of non-negative integers in any reasonable format, iterate over it, skipping as many elements as every integer you step on says. Here is a worked example: ...
Erik the Outgolfer's user avatar

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