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<![CDATA[The Future of Software Development with Generative AI]]> https://code.likeagirl.io/the-future-of-software-development-with-generative-ai-a9be601c0940?source=rss----811ec52eb09a---4 https://medium.com/p/a9be601c0940 Mon, 28 Oct 2024 12:32:09 GMT 2024-10-28T12:32:09.054Z
The Future of Software Development with Generative AI

According to recent research, 82.55% of developers already use AI to write code, and nearly 50% use it to debug code. This number will rise dramatically in the next few years because generative AI continues to evolve and advance.

Smart AI is not just speeding up coding tasks; in fact, it is transforming the entire software development landscape. From automating code generation to improving testing and debugging, generative AI is revamping how we build software by making the process faster, more innovative, and more efficient.

Role of Generative AI in Software Development

Generative AI solutions are transforming software development by automating code generation and improving testing. They basically enhance overall productivity in the software development space. Generative AI can automatically generate code snippets and suggest optimizations using advanced machine learning models. It can even identify bugs and reduce the time and effort required for developers.

Popular AI-powered tools, such as GitHub Copilot, are helping developers write more efficient and error-free code by providing real-time suggestions and templates. Generative AI also plays a crucial role in software testing. It automates the creation of test cases and identifies potential vulnerabilities before deployment.

Generative AI accelerates development cycles while improving software quality. All this makes it a vital tool for modern developers looking to streamline their workflow and reduce human error.

Top 5 Ways in Which Generative AI Impacts the Future of Software Development

1. Enhanced Model Autonomy

Generative AI tools are becoming autonomous in software development by developing self-improving capabilities. They are going to optimize their architectures, which will help streamline code generation and enhance development environments. These AI systems are also set to help identify new datasets for training and fine-tune parameters without any heavy human intervention. AI models will push the boundaries of software creativity and efficiency.

Generative AI is refining software outputs based on feedback loops by leveraging reinforcement learning and unsupervised techniques. These technologies are making models more accurate and helping developers discover novel patterns in code and system architectures that humans may overlook.

Generative AI systems, along with advancements in meta-learning, are expected to adapt to various development tasks autonomously. It will facilitate the creation of highly specialized software solutions across industries like healthcare, entertainment, and finance without the need for extensive retraining. As generative AI reduces dependency on human engineers, it will allow faster iteration cycles. It will accelerate the pace of innovation in software development.

2. Cross-Disciplinary Fusion

Generative AI is seamlessly merging with other technologies like quantum computing, blockchain, and edge computing as it evolves. These synergies are enriching processing power and data security in software development. They are also improving accessibility by allowing generative AI to reach new heights in terms of capabilities and applications. The fusion of generative AI with emerging technologies like quantum computing is changing how AI processes complex data.

Quantum computing helps generative models process large datasets, especially in software development, with its power to perform computations at exponentially faster rates. As a result, this leads to unprecedented advancements in the quality of AI outputs.

Similarly, blockchain is enriching the transparency and traceability of data used to train these models. It promises higher accountability in how AI-generated content is created and shared. This cross-disciplinary collaboration is pushing the limits of generative AI’s capacity to innovate in software development by driving breakthroughs across industries.

3. Ethical Frameworks and Self-Regulation

Generative AI is already playing a significant role in defining its ethical use cases within software development. It is contributing to the development of self-regulation protocols through advanced models that generate insights into fairness, transparency, and privacy. This helps ensure that AI systems of the future operate within ethical boundaries. It will foster responsible innovation in software.

Ethical concerns surrounding generative AI, such as bias, misinformation, and privacy, are also becoming more evident. Future generative AI models are expected to include built-in mechanisms to detect and cut these risks autonomously. For example, AI models may refuse to generate harmful or biased content. This will promote a stable degree of ethical self-regulation within software development processes.

Research into explainable AI (XAI) is becoming critical as it helps users to understand AI decisions in real-time. It will further reduce the potential for misuse. This transparency will be key to building trust in AI-driven software systems. Generative AI is not only leveling up ethical standards but also helping to set global guidelines for responsible AI usage in software development.

4. Creative Collaboration with Humans

With the improvisation of AI-generated content, the collaboration between humans and AI in software development is becoming more seamless. Generative AI is going to create tools that are more intuitive and accessible. It will allow even non-technical users to use AI for coding, debugging, and software design. It will effectively democratize software development stages.

Generative AI is already augmenting human capabilities in coding and problem-solving. But, the future holds even deeper integration of human-AI collaboration. For example, in development environments, generative AI could evolve into a tool that provides real-time code suggestions and optimizations. It will also support debugging assistance by enabling developers to co-create with AI in ways that amplify their productivity rather than replace them.

Generative AI will become intuitive partners who understand software development goals and provide innovative solutions. This will lower the barriers to entry for software development, which will make advanced coding and application design accessible to anyone with a vision, regardless of their technical background.

5. Hyper-Personalization of AI Models

Generative AI is developing personalized versions of itself in the realm of software development. It is learning individual developer preferences and contexts in real time. These models deliver highly tailored solutions, tools, and development environments, leading to a shift towards user-centric AI systems. As generative AI continuously adapts to personal needs and coding environments, the way developers interact with software tools is changing, which makes them more efficient and intuitive.

Generative AI systems are becoming more competent at understanding individual developer workflows and preferences. They are evolving into highly personalized assistants that predict coding needs even before they are expressed. For example, in code generation, personalized AI systems can predict a developer’s preferred coding style, frameworks, and architectural patterns. They automatically generate solutions that align with their unique approach. These advancements will help developers to engage with AI systems in deeply personal ways.

Generative AI will assist in streamlining development processes and enhancing productivity across industries like software engineering. They will revamp other areas, such as web development and app design, where hyper-personalized experiences will become the standard.

Final Words

The future of software development is closely intertwined with generative AI. Generative AI models are becoming more powerful and personalized. They will enhance creativity, reduce development times, and lead to innovative solutions across the software development industry. While this technology brings incredible opportunities, it also raises important questions about ethics and the role of human developers. Welcoming generative AI will be key to staying ahead in this rapidly evolving field. But, we also need to find and strike the right balance in automation with human insight.

If you also wish to explore the perks of generative AI in the software development ecosystem, then connect with generative AI app development services. They will help you unfold the maximum potential of generative AI solutions in streamlining and revamping software development.

The Future of Software Development with Generative AI was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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https://code.likeagirl.io/over-my-dead-marker-touch-my-whiteboard-at-your-own-risk-57a8ec0c5ff8?source=rss----811ec52eb09a---4 https://medium.com/p/57a8ec0c5ff8 Mon, 28 Oct 2024 10:46:46 GMT 2024-10-28T13:58:40.998Z
<![CDATA[Call Them In, and Other Actions for Allies]]> https://code.likeagirl.io/call-them-in-and-other-actions-for-allies-78a4edfff913?source=rss----811ec52eb09a---4 https://medium.com/p/78a4edfff913 Fri, 25 Oct 2024 18:17:05 GMT 2024-10-25T18:17:05.290Z Each week, Karen Catlin shares five simple actions to create a more inclusive workplace and be a better ally.
Image with the message, I call people in (without shaming and blaming). For example, I used to say that phrase, too, but i’ve since learned it’s not inclusive. I’ve shifted to this word instead. There’s also an illustration of two people holding red pens in front of a massive open book, indicating that they are editing something important. Along the bottom of the graphic is the @BetterAllies handle and credit to @ninalimpi for the illustration.

1. Call them in

Recently, a newsletter subscriber told me that she’s seeing a softening of some allyship support as people become exhausted with being corrected. She observed, “Some of our employees take a very in-your-face approach to DEI, stopping people mid-sentence to correct their language or calling their attendance at ERG events ‘performative.’”

She added, “When faced with this type of feedback, I see good people with big, open hearts who want to learn more & grow, becoming like turtles retreating into their shell & deciding that they’ll just ‘come to work and work,’ not do this DEI stuff.”

I don’t want anyone to step back from this vital work of allyship. On our journey to be better allies, we should put aside any defensiveness when someone calls us out. And, as I’ve written about in a past newsletter, consider being prepared with a phrase or two for responding when it happens.

Furthermore, when we’re giving feedback on non-inclusive behavior, let’s do so in a way that encourages others to learn from it and motivates them to engage more in DEI.

Our goal in these conversations is to call them into the discussion, not to make them feel defensive. For example,

  • I used to say that phrase, too, but I’ve since learned that it’s not inclusive. And I’ve shifted to this word instead.
  • I noticed you attended our recent ERG meeting. Could we brainstorm some ways you could help us achieve our annual goals?

Share this action on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Threads, or YouTube.

2. Play a positive-sum game

Speaking of calling people into the conversation…

When Elizabeth Laraki saw an ad for an upcoming conference she’ll be speaking at, she noticed her headshot didn’t quite look right. As Laraki explained in a LinkedIn post, “Someone edited my photo to unbutton my blouse and reveal a made-up hint of a bra or something else underneath. 😒”

She emailed the conference organizers, who were apologetic and immediately took down the image. They investigated what happened and quickly reported that the person running their social media copied a cropped version of the headshot from their website, wanted it to be more vertical for an ad, and used an AI tool to make the photo taller.

“AI invented the bottom part of the image…in which it believed that women’s shirts should be unbuttoned further, with some tension around the buttons, revealing a little hint of something underneath,” Laraki pointed out. (You can view the image on LinkedIn.)

While what happened is maddening, Joanna Bloor spotted something positive in how Laraki responded. Instead of publicly calling out the conference, Laraki “Took the time to be curious, And in the process, she found out the truth. And now she’s making everyone look good. Except maybe the #ai. Which is ok. Because it’s just a tool and doesn’t need to win.”

Bloor added, “Elizabeth showed us how to play a #positiveSumGame. When life makes you play the game, you get to decide how you want to play it. Positive-sum means we all get to win.”

Let’s all strive to play a positive-sum game.

3. Don’t tell employees to use their personal credit card

I recently heard from a man who needs to visit a client in another city. The management team told him to purchase the plane tickets and submit an expense report. He did as instructed and, as a result, maxed out his only credit card. Now, he can’t use it for his usual gas and grocery purchases, and he’s crossing his fingers that the company will reimburse him before the payment is due.

Folks, let’s realize that not everyone can float company expenses on their personal credit card. Not everyone has one due to a lack of credit history, previous credit issues, or individual choice. Even if they have one, their card may not have a credit limit that is high enough to accommodate work purchases or business travel. And, they may not be able to cover the credit card bill while waiting for reimbursement.

Need an employee to make purchases or travel on behalf of your company? Don’t tell them to “just put it on your credit card and expense it.” Instead, give employees corporate credit cards.

If that’s not an option, offer to let them use yours.

4. Share your pronouns online

October 16 was International Pronouns Day, dedicated to making respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.

Better late than never, here are online places to consider sharing your pronouns:


  • Go to your account
  • Click the pencil icon near the top of your profile (in the section that includes your name and title)
  • Scroll down to the pronouns section, and add yours


  • Click your profile picture
  • Click “Profile” in the pop-up menu
  • Scroll down to “About me” and click “Add your pronouns”

Video conferencing

  • If your corporate settings allow you to customize your name, add your pronouns after your last name

Social media sites

  • Edit your profile to either specify your pronouns in a field (some platforms support this) or add your pronouns to the text of your bio

Email signature

  • Use your email app to add your pronouns to your signature.
  • While you’re at it, consider adding this phrase for colleagues who receive your message during their non-working hours: “My working hours may be different than yours. Please do not feel you need to reply outside your normal working hours.”

5. Community Spotlight: Use “they/them” until you learn someone’s pronouns

This week’s spotlight on an ally action from a member of the Better Allies community who wrote,

“I work in a virtual and often off-camera capacity with many others who do as well, and use they/them pronouns with everyone I interact with who is new to me, including people with traditionally gendered names I might otherwise guess at.”

What a simple and inclusive change to make. Thank you.

If you’ve taken a step towards being a better ally, please reply to this email and tell me about it. And mention if I can quote you by name or credit you anonymously in an upcoming newsletter.

That’s all for this week. I wish you strength and safety as we all move forward.

— Karen Catlin (she/her), author of the Better Allies® book series

Copyright © 2024 Karen Catlin. All rights reserved.

Being an ally is a journey. Want to join us?

Together, we can — and will — make a difference with the Better Allies® approach.

Illustration of a red envelope with a newsletter coming out of it. The newsletter reads 5 Ally Actions Newsletter, each week Karen Catlin shares 5 simple actions to create a more inclusive workplace. The envelope has the text Subscribe at betterallies.com. Red arrows draw your attention from the envelope to the newsletter. In the lower corners are the better allies logo and a red bubble with betterallies.com.

Call Them In, and Other Actions for Allies was originally published in Code Like A Girl on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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