Name Jens Origin, meaning, pronunciation & popularity of the name Jens


Jens is a ♂ boy’s name.

What is the origin of the name Jens?

Jens is a Danish, Faroese and Frisian short form of Johannes, which derived from the Hebrew name Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן).

What does the name Jens mean?

Jens means “Yahweh is gracious” and “Yahweh is merciful” (from Hebrew “yo/יֹו”, abbreviation of “yeho/יְהוֹ” = referring to the Hebrew God + “ḥanán/חָנַן” = to show favor/to be gracious).

Pronunciation of Jens

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Popularity of the name Jens

The name Jens is ranked #2307 overall.

Jens in the Top 50 Names

🇳🇱 Netherlands-----

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