The Economics of Deep Trade Agreements
- Introduction: The Economics of Deep Trade Agreements
- The enduring role of international integration in development
- Quantifying the impact of deep trade agreements: A general equilibrium approach
- Using machine learning to assess the impact of deep trade agreements
- Lobbying on Deep Trade Agreements: How Large Firms Buy Favourable Provisions
- Global value chains and deep integration
- Pro-competitive provisions in deep trade agreements
- The impact of preferential trade agreements on the duration of antidumping protection
- Trade facilitation provisions in deep trade agreements: Impact on Peru’s exporters
- Heterogeneous impacts of sanitary and phyto-sanitary and technical barriers to trade regulations: Firm-level evidence from deep
- Scoping services trade agreements: What really matters
- Trade barriers in government procurement
- The spillover effect of deep trade agreements on Chinese state-owned enterprises
- How preferential trade agreements with strong intellectual property provisions affect trade
- Deep integration in trade agreements: Labour clauses, tariffs, and trade flows
- Trade agreements with environmental provisions mitigate deforestation
- Why deep trade agreements may shape post-COVID-19 trade