More Ways to Give

Your support for Cascade spreads the freedom and joy of bicycling to riders across the state. There are many quick and easy ways to support our education, advocacy, and community building programs. Cascade Bicycle Club is a 501 c(3) organization. Our EIN number is 91-2165219. 

Donate by Mail

Our mailing address is:

Cascade Bicycle Club
7787 62nd Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115

Checks payable to “Cascade Bicycle Club”. Please write “donation” in the memo line and include a note with your full name and current address so we can thank you and send a tax receipt for your records. 

Corporate Matching

Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? These matching gifts allow you to increase your impact at no cost to you. Matching gift funds help support our work as Cascade, such as our education programs and our advocacy work. Check your company's human resources department to see if your company offers this opportunity.

Donor-Advised Funds

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are a great way to support the organizations that you love. If you have a DAF at The Seattle Foundation, Fidelity Charitable, The National Philanthropic Trust, etc., you can designate a distribution to Cascade Bicycle Club. Contact with questions.

Stock or Mutual Funds

Gifts of appreciated stock can help you save while benefiting Cascade’s programs. Talk to your financial advisor about opportunities for tax savings and other benefits of stock donations. To ensure your gift is acknowledged for your tax purposes, your broker should notify us before sending or transferring shares. Please send the following information to

  • Your name
  • Name of stock or mutual fund
  • Number of shares

IRA Charitable Rollover

As a qualifying nonprofit organization, Cascade can receive IRA rollover charitable contributions. Individuals aged 70½ and older are able to donate up to $100,000 to Cascade and other charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without treating the distribution as taxable income. In order to qualify, contributions must go directly to a public charity and be made from traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs. Contact Alison Driver for more information: or (206) 558-2793.

Include Cascade in Your Estate Plans

By including Cascade Bicycle Club in your estate plans, you can help ensure the future of cycling for generations to come. You can make a bequest in your will or trust, leaving a specific amount, percentage, or the remainder of your estate. Your legacy will support our work in education, advocacy, and community building. Contact Alison Driver at for more information, or to let us know Cascade is in your plans.

Beneficiary Designations

An easy and impactful way to support Cascade is by naming us as a beneficiary of your retirement account, life insurance policy, or other financial accounts. You can take care of your loved ones and direct a percentage of your account to Cascade, or make Cascade a contingent beneficiary. Simply contact your plan administrator for the necessary forms and include Cascade Bicycle Club (EIN: 91-2165219). This allows you to make a lasting difference without modifying your will.

In-Kind Donations

Cascade accepts donations of lightly used bikes for use in youth programming or to be sold to fundraising for education programming. Learn more about in-kind donations, what we accept, and how to make a donation.


If you would like to donate in a way not listed above, or have general questions about donations please contact