Information and resources to help you embed careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) in your curriculum.
Find out about careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) in the Curriculum for Wales and access tools and information to support your planning.
Get useful resources that can support careers and work-related experiences (CWRE) in primary schools and settings.
Find useful resources to support careers and work-related experiences (CWRE)
Get an overview of labour market information, how it can support your students and where to find current LMI.
Take a look at how employers can support your careers education programme and the benefits it can bring.
Find out about the programme to help you embed careers and work-related experiences across your curriculum.
Find out about the development of our new Quality Award and pilot for all settings with learners aged 3 to 16.
Find out how you can receive news and updates about careers and work-related experiences and the work of our curriculum team.