
Our purpose is to tackle consumer harm by making life simpler, fairer and safer for consumers. Join our growing community of supporters, and together we can build a brighter future for everyone.

Together we can change things for the better

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Our campaign wins

These are just some of our recent campaign achievements for UK consumers

Won 2024

The DMCC Act

Following our calls for stronger digital rights and consumer protections, the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act has successfully passed through parliament. The new laws will empower consumers with protections against fake reviews, hidden fees and subscription traps in this major step towards fairer, safer marketplaces.

The Right to Connect logo
Won 2023

Ofcom confirms The Right to Connect

Listening to our calls, Ofcom has proposed a ban on unpredictable inflation-linked mid-contract price rises. Once in effect this ban will protect millions of households from being blindsided by unfair price hikes.

Won 2023

The Online Safety Bill

After years of campaigning, consumers will now have stronger protections against online harms with the implementation of new internet safety regulations. The Online Safety Bill has received Royal Assent and now is law, marking a major step towards a safer internet.

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