
Privacy Policy


We at C Security Systems AB are committed to protecting your privacy. We are constantly working to protect your information and to act in accordance with your rights and current data protection laws. This policy contains important information about how we handle personal information and explains your rights regarding our personal data processing. If you do not agree with the data practices described in this Privacy Policy, you should not use the Websites or the Subscription Service.

“You” in this policy refers to either yourself, a person authorized to act in your place or other individuals within your family or organization. “We” are referring to C Security Systems AB in this policy.

How we collect and use your information
The information that is collected depends on how you use our services. The personal information we collect about you is provided either by you directly, from third parties, or collected by using our website or our services.

1. Basis for cost proposals

The personal data we collect and process

about you are:
– name, home address, telephone number, e-mail address, current contract information if you are already a customer and a general description of your property.

The information is used for the following purposes:

– We use your information to provide cost proposals, either by phone or by email.

Our use of your information as described above is in accordance with applicable data protection laws. Our processing of your personal information prior to and in connection with the preparation of a quote for you is based on the rules that specify the actions we may take before entering into an agreement with you.

2. Activity on our website

See our Website Policy below to find out more about the personal information we collect when you visit our website.

3. Registration for our services

The personal data we collect and process

about you are:

– name, home address, contact number, e-mail address and payment information.

– We will also collect personal information regarding the contact persons you have provided for use in case of an alarm. This information consists of name, mobile number and e-mail address. Contact persons in case of an alarm may be your wife / husband or partner, family members, neighbors, friends or employees.

We use the information for the following purposes:

– We use the information to enter into agreements, deliver our services and to install the alarm and monitoring system you choose, administration (including billing, debt collection and payment notes, hardware and software updates, credit checks and technical support). We process your information in accordance with applicable data protection laws and information processing in this case to fulfill the obligations we have towards you (our obligation to perform monitoring services for you).

– Your specified contacts will be contacted only in the occurrence of an alarm and if you have enabled this option in your settings. As you provide other persons personal information we assume that you also have informed them that their personal information will be used by us as stated above and that it is in your and our legitimate interest that their personal data is to be processed to the extent permitted by and fulfill the requirements for this privacy policy.

Use of our services (including and mobile application)

When you use our services, we collect and process the following personal information

about you:
– name, home address, contact number, e-mail address, contact details and all correspondence between us, payment information, GPS data and user logs for the system, incl. alarms and actions as well as identification numbers.

We use the information for the following purposes:

a) To communicate with you. We may contact you by telephone, e-mail and / or post for (normal) service and maintenance, or possibly in case of alarm. Inbound and outbound phone calls such as customer service calls and sales calls may be recorded. Recordings are made for use in documentation, quality work and / or education;

b) To save and follow up your alarm history. When you or someone else activates or deactivates the alarm, we save information about when it happened.

c) To get in touch with you.

d) For further development of and / or follow-up of our product and service offerings (including installation, maintenance and function control), to optimize our product range and / or to create marketing activities for future customers, we may use anonymous and / or combinations of collective customer information about you;

e) To provide additional security-related products through our webshop;

f) To enable you to monitor your property from a computer or mobile device through and / or mobile application, this includes, for example, user logs and alarm status. We process your information in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and information processing, in most cases, the agreement we have with you as a legal basis (our obligation under the agreement to perform monitoring services for you). In any case, g) processing of personal data takes place in the light of our legitimate interest in conducting the process of your information.

5. Marketing

The personal information we collect and process about you is:

– Personal information, such as name, home address, phone number, e-mail address, country;

– We may also register activities and use of our services as well as information about your previous purchases within the framework of our data analysis. This is done in order to better perform the business and thus offer better services;

We use the information for the following purposes:

– Provide direct marketing about our security products and services. This can be done via email, post, SMS, phone or custom online ads.

– If we handle your personal data as a result of being a customer of ours, we may contact you with information about similar complementary products and services (including special offers, discounts and events) as long as you have not asked us to stop sending marketing or you yourselves chose not to take part in our electronic marketing. Each electronic message from us contains the possibility to unregister from further participation. You can at any time email us at to unsubscribe from additional messages.

– We may use your personal information to send inquiries to you. This is done to improve our services and / or to investigate the market. It is always voluntary to participate in our market research.

The above use of personal data is permitted under the current data protection legislation. Processing of your personal data for marketing purposes is mainly based on our legitimate interest in such treatment, but may in some cases (for example, where required by law) require your consent.

Information obtained from third parties
We also collect and / or receive information from third-party companies we collaborate with, such as insurance companies, boat manufacturers, advertising networks, industry associations, etc. which is within the EU.

We use the / your personal information we receive as described above to market our services to you, unless you explicitly exclude these or previously stated that you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposes. It’s easy to opt out of marketing at any time if you change your mind.

Dissemination and sharing of information

We never sell your information to third parties.

However, we may share the information with collaborators in connection with the delivery of products and services. Since our business requires knowledge and resources from other companies to perform certain actions, we also need to share your information with selected recipients listed below. These companies have the corresponding legal or contractual obligation to secure your information. Otherwise, we will still be responsible for how they handle your information. The recipients we share your information with fall into the following categories:

– Authorities such as police and rescue service if a crime is being committed or any other emergency has occurred or is taking place. Authorities or private companies assisting with unpaid debts and withdrawal.

– Security companies that save your personal data in EEA countries that we may use to send security guards or assistance to your property in case of an alarm.

– Payment service providers (such as DIBS) that store your personal data in countries within the EEA that we use to process your payments for products, installation and services.

– Our franchisees and collaborators who save your personal data in countries within the EEA which assist you with service, installations, products, maintenance, customer service and those who we collaborate with in sales activities and to find potential new customers and new marketing channels.

– Financial service providers (such as debt collection companies and financial advisors) who store your personal data in countries in the EEA, which we may provide claims arising from the contract with you, such as in the event of non-payment for products and services.

– Cloud storage providers who save your personal data in countries within the EEA to save personal data you provide and to execute all contracts entered into by us with you.

– Suppliers of customer communications and telephone systems ( that save your personal data in EEA countries that we use to provide you with information and offers by email and / or contacting you by phone.

– Analyzer and search engine providers (such as Adobe and Google Analytics) that save your personal data in EEA countries that help us improve and optimize our website and / or mobile app.

– Analysis tool providers (such as Microsoft Azure) that save your personal data in EEA countries that help us improve and optimize our services and products.

– Collaborators (eg insurance companies, leasing companies) who store your personal data in countries within the EEA that save data about you if you allow them to receive your personal information.

– Market and Market Research Providers (eg Facebook and Google) that saves your personal data in EEA countries that we use for marketing, market research and customer surveys.

Note that this list is not exhaustive and may vary over time.

If we, any business or substantial portion of our assets are acquired by third parties and your information is transferred to the new owner. The new owner will comply with the same laws as we apply to your personal information.

Transfer of your information to another country
We save your information in countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) or in countries with sufficient data security. These countries have legislation corresponding to the Swedish in terms of your information.

Where the information is shared with companies based outside (i) EEA or (ii) countries with a sufficient level of data security, we require that these companies handle information in a similar manner as we do. In such cases, we guarantee that the transferred information is protected. Detailed information about all transfers, including copies of the data transfer agreements we apply, can be obtained on request.

Third parties
To the extent of delivery of installation products and services to you as a customer within your property involves the processing of third party personal data (such as visitors or family members), you may be required to notify them that we process their personal information.

Storing your data
We save your personal information for use as described in this document. Under certain circumstances, when you choose to refrain from marketing, we can ensure that your information is not used for future contact regarding marketing with you.

When we no longer need your personal information, we delete them safely in accordance with our storing of personal information policy.

Contact and complaint
Our Data Protection Officer acts as the main contact person for all matters relating to this document, including if you wish to exercise your rights as having your personal information registered.

The Data Protection Officer or the local contact person can be contacted via email at

If you have any complaints or questions about how we use your personal information please contact us and we will try to find a solution as soon as possible.

Your rights
You have a number of rights related to your personal information.

You have the right to access your personal information, to correct personal information we have about you, the right to delete your personal information and to limit or object to our processing of them. You are also entitled to withdraw your consent, exempt to receive future marketing from us and under certain circumstances you may transfer your information to you or any third party, as well as the right to object to profiling and automated decision making.
To request the removal of your personal information, send us an e-mail at

In case of complaints, you may report our processing of your personal information to the Swedish supervisory authority

About this document:
This Privacy Policy was updated May 2018. We reserve the right to change the information from time to time.

Website Policy


C Security Systems AB, 556849-1368 (referred to as “C Security”) welcomes you to this site and we appreciate your interest in the content. Please read this website policy carefully before using the site. The website policy explains how the information on this site may be used to avoid infringing copyright protection or violating the rules for linking to the site.

By visiting the site, you consent to the terms below.

To use the information on the website
The information on the website is general and should not be used as a sole basis for deciding on important issues. C Security is constantly working to ensure that the site is correct, complete and up to date. However, for example, writing errors, external influences and technical errors may result in insufficient or incorrect information. This means that C Security cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for the accuracy, completeness and updating of the information. Use of the website, or any other website to which you are linked as a visitor to or from, is at your own risk. The visitor is solely responsible for any impact on his computer system or loss of data caused by the use.

Immaterial rights
The content of the website or the right of use thereto is owned or held by C Security, Licensee or Partner unless otherwise stated and is subject to Swedish and / or international law. C Security holds copyright and other intellectual property rights in respect of the site and its content in accordance with Swedish and / or international law. All company names, logos, and trademarks of the site are owned or used by C Security, Licensee, or Partner. All rights reserved.

C Security’s intellectual property rights may be used only in accordance with the permission provided by this Website Policy or after written permission from C Security. Unauthorized use or distribution of the content on the site may violate copyright, trademark and / or other Swedish or foreign laws, and may be subject to legal action.

You may read, copy and print the content of this website for private, non-commercial use, provided that copyright or other information contained in or in connection with the information is not removed. All uses for commercial purposes are prohibited. Content may not be modified, transmitted, restored or published without the prior written consent of C Security. Press releases, material from image archive and other documents classified as public may, however, be used free of charge for editorial purposes without further approval, provided that the source of the information is provided.

All links to the website shall be to the first page unless otherwise agreed with C Security. When linking occurs, all material from the site shall be opened in a separate window and shall not be displayed in connection with the brand or logo from another website.

The website may contain links to other websites that are not under our control. We cannot be responsible for privacy or content on these websites and links to other websites are to facilitate for our visitors to find more information in specific areas.

Personal Information and Terms of Use
For information on how your personal information is processed see our Privacy Policy above.

Information about cookies
This site does use so-called cookies. According to Electronic Communications Act (2003: 389), which came into force in July 2003, anyone visiting a website with cookies must be informed that the site contains cookies, what these cookies are used for and how cookies can be avoided.

A cookie is a small text file that the website you visit saves on your computer. Cookies are used on many websites to give you as a visitor access to various features. There are two types of cookies. One type saves a file for a long time on the visitor’s computer and is available to facilitate the activities of individual users. For example, it uses features that require the user to log in, register or order something from the site. Furthermore, cookies are used to measure the number of page views and visitors for our internal statistics system as well as to our supplier of an external statistics system.

The information collected about statistics is anonymous and does not contain names, e-mail addresses or any other data that can be linked to a particular person.

The other type of cookies is called session cookies. While the visitor is visiting a page, the cookie is stored temporarily on the visitor’s computer, for example, to keep track of which language that has been selected. Session cookies are not stored for a long time in the computer and disappear when the browser closes.

If you do not want to accept the use of cookies as described above, you can set your browser to allow no cookies. How you do this depends on which browser you are using, and should therefore be shown in the help information for your browser. Keep in mind that the functionality of a website that uses cookies may be limited.

Integrity at
Use of analytical tools

The information about your behavior on our web pages are used for the following purposes:

  • Analysis
  • Personalized web page customization
  • Customer Service

We use Google Analytics for traffic analysis at and associated webpages. You can opt-out from Google Analytics from this page: Google Analytics.
C Security reserves the right to revise this Website Policy or Website Content at any time.

If you have any questions regarding the content of this website policy, please feel free to contact us:

C Security Systems AB Postal address: VretenvÀgen 13, 171 54 Solna, Visiting address: VretenvÀgen 13, 171 54 Solna