Karnataka Board SSLC Class 10 Science Question Paper with Solutions 2014

Karnataka Board SSLC Class 10 Science question paper solutions of 2014 gives an overview of the exact question paper pattern. Students should solve previous year question papers without fail to write the final exam paper with full confidence. Previous year question papers of Social Science are prepared as per the syllabus which covers all the important topics. By solving the previous year question papers students will understand the types of questions asked, weightage of marks, important questions, etc.

It also helps them to work on their time management skills. After solving the question paper students should refer to the solutions to cross-check their answers. By doing so, they can avoid silly mistakes while solving the real exam paper. Below, we have mentioned the downloadable pdf of solutions which are solved accurately using simple language.

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KSEEB Class 10 Science Question Paper With Solution 2014


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Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet in the space provided against each question.

1. The silicon compound used in calico printing is

(A) Quartz

(B) Silicon carbide

(C) Sodium silicate

(D) Silica.

Answer: C – Sodium silicate

2. The device that uses solar energy in the form of heat is

(A) solar light

(B) solar panel used in artificial satellites

(C) solar cell

(D) solar cooker.

Answer: D – solar cooker.

3. A body A is moving in a straight line with a constant speed of 10 ms-1. Another body B having same mass as that of A is moving in a circular path with a constant speed of 10 ms-1. The correct statement related to their acceleration is

(A) the acceleration of body A is more than the acceleration of body B

(B) the acceleration of body B is zero

(C) only B has acceleration

(D) the accelerations of both A and B are same.

Answer: C – only B has acceleration

4. The different stages of preparing amorphous silicon are given below:

I. Silica is finely powdered.

II. The product is washed with hydrochloric acid.

III. The mixture of powdered silica and magnesium is heated in a fire-clay crucible.

IV. The product is washed with hydrofluoric acid to remove unchanged silica.

The correct arrangement of the above stages is

(A) I, III, II and IV

(B) I, II, III and IV

(C) IV, I, II and III

(D) I, IV, III and II.

Answer: A – I, III, II and IV

5. Which of the following measures do you take to conserve water?

(A) Washing utensils in a pond.

(B) Using detergents to wash clothes.

(C) Disposing idols painted with artificial colours in a pond.

(D) Using water after washing vegetables for plants.

Answer: D – Using water after washing vegetables for plants.

6. In a group of hydrocarbons, the ratio between the carbon and hydrogen atoms is 1:2. These hydrocarbons belong to which class?

(A) Alkanes

(B) Alkenes

(C) Alkynes

(D) Aromatic hydrocarbons.

Answer: B – Alkenes

7. Four metals P, Q, R and S react with water as given below:

I. P reacts with cold water

II. Q reacts with hot water

III. R reacts with steam

IV. Red hot S reacts with steam.

Then, highly reactive metal is

(A) P

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) S.

Answer: A – P

8. In which of the following cases a listener experiences Doppler effect?

(A) The listener and the source of sound are stationary.

(B) The listener and source of sound are moving with same velocity.

(C) The listener is moving towards the source of sound.

(D) The listener is with the source of sound.

Answer: C – The listener is moving towards the source of sound.

9. Which of the following is the best measure to save energy?

(A) Each individual uses his own vehicle.

(B) Four colleagues residing in the same colony travel to the office together by the same car.

(C) Using vehicles to travel small distances.

(D) Keeping the vehicle engine ‘on’ during traffic jam.

Answer: B – Four colleagues residing in the same colony travel to the office together by the same car.

10. The dopant to be added to make silicon an n-type of semiconductor is

(A) Boron

(B) Antimony

(C) Indium

(D) Gallium.

Answer: B – Antimony

Fill in the blanks:

11. The device used to measure the distance and direction of underwater substances using ultrosonic waves is ……………………… .

Answer: Sonar

12. The basic source of wind energy, hydroenergy, and fossil fuel energy is ………… .

Answer: Sun or solar energy

13. In a radio receiver, the device that separates AF signals from RF signals is ……………………… .

Answer: Detector or Demodulator

14. Match the components of nuclear power reactor given in Column-A with their functions given in Column-B. Write the correct answer in the space provided:



(a) Enriched Uranium

causes nuclear fusion

(b) Liquid Sodium

turns turbines

(c) Cadmium Rods

nuclear fuel

(d) Concrete building with lead sheets

acts as coolant

produces steam

absorbs neutrons

stops radiation.


a) (iii) nuclear fuel

b) (iv) acts as coolant

c) (vi) absorbs neutrons

d) (vii) stops radiation.

Answer the following questions:

15. Draw the circuit symbol of n-p-n transistor.


KSEEB Class 10 Social Science 2014

16. Why Ethyl mercaptan is added to liquid petroleum gas?

Answer: To detect the leakage of the gas.

17. Define solar luminosity.

Answer: The amount of energy radiated by the sun in all directions per second.

18. Write an application of Radiocarbon

Answer: Estimation of the age of fossils

19. Write the balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction : Zinc reacts with dilute nitric acid.

Answer: Zn+ 2HNO3 ➔ Zn(NO3)2 + H2 ↑

20. Define centripetal force.

Answer: The radial force directed towards the centre, acting on a body in circular motion.

Answer the following questions:

21. Draw the diagram of a DC motor and label the parts.


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22. What are geostationary satellites ? Write any one use of them.

Answer: The period of revolution of the satellite is same as that of period of rotation of the earth. An artificial satellite whose orbital velocity is 24 hours.

  • It is possible to connect any part of the world
  • Global telecommunication (live programmes are possible)
  • Weather forecasting.

23. Draw the diagram of a single stage rocket and label the parts.

Answer: Single stage rocket

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24. List the uses of detergents.

Answer: Use of Detergents

  • Cleanse well even in hard water
  • Save edible oils
  • Cleanse well even in acidic medium

25. Draw the diagram of Permutit column used in softening hard water and label the parts.


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26. The wavelength of electromagnetic radiations A, B and C are given below :

Electromagnetic radiation



4 × 10-9 m


0·1 × 10-9 m


10 × 10-9 m

Which of the above electromagnetic radiations causes photoelectric effect in most number of metals ? Give scientific reason for this.

Answer: The eletromagnctic radiation B causes photoelectric effect in most number of metals.

Reason: The radiation B has the least wavelength and hence has high frequency.

It causes photoelectric effect in many number of metals having different threshold frequencies.

27. Draw the diagram of a Helium-Neon laser tube and label the parts.


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28. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.

Answer: Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction

  • First Law : The changing magnetic field linked with a conductor induces an electromotive force in the conductor.
  • Second Law : The induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate of change of magnetic field linked with the conductor.

29. A radioactive element Y emits an alpha particle and a beta particle successively and changes into an element 82X206. Find the atomic mass and atomic number of radioactive element Y.

Answer: The element X should have atomic number one less than its atomic number.

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Answer the following questions:

30. Imagine a planet M having mass same as the earth and having radius 3 times that of the earth.

a) Calculate the ratio of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the planet M to the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth.

b) If the average value of acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth is 9·8 ms-2, then find the value of average acceleration due to gravity on the surface of planet M.


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31. Name the alkane having 4 carbon atoms and write the two distinct structural formula of the same.


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32. a) A spectrum is obtained by emitting light from sodium vapour. Name the type of the spectrum.

b) A monochromatic light is passed through benzene. What change can be observed in the wavelength of scattered light ? Write one application of this phenomenon.

Answer a: Line emission spectrum.

Answer b: The scattered light contains the light of smaller and larger wavelengths in addition to the wavelength of incident light.

33. a) Differentiate between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics with an example each.

b) Write the monomer unit of Teflon and write any one use of Teflon.

Answer a: The differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics with an example each are:


Thermosetting Plastic

Lose their shape on heating. They can be

moulded and remoulded by heating

Ex: Polyvinyl chloride or polystyrene

Set on heating and become irreversibly hard on cooling. Ex: Bakelite or silicones

or epoxy resins

Answer the following questions:

34. Draw the diagram of a blast furnace used in the extraction of iron and label the following parts:

a) Molten iron

b) Cone cup arrangement.


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35. a) Explain how a protostar is formed.

b) The mass of a red giant staged star is less than 1·4 solar mass. Name the last two stages of that star and explain them.

Answer a: Protostar is formed

  • Huge gaseous clouds contract due to gravity.
  • There will be increase in density and pressure. The cloud settles with a spherical mass at the centre of the cloud. Hydrogen core is formed.

Answer b: White dwarf and Black dwarf

  • White dwarf: The star collapses under the action of gravity. The temperature increases anct the core develops pressure. Shine due to their high temperature.
  • Black dwarf: The star loses its energy (internal) and temperature. The nuclear reactions stop.

36. Explain the following stages in the working cycle of an internal combustion engine.

a) Intake stroke

b) Power stroke.

Answer: Intake stroke: The piston moves away from the cylinder head.

  • Low pressure is created inside the cylinder and the inlet valve is opened.
  • The fuel mixture from the carburettor enters the cylinder
  • The outlet valve is closed.

Power stroke:

  • The compressed mixture is ignited by the sparks produced by the spark plug.
  • A lot of heat is produced by the combustion
  • The products of combustion carbon dioxide and water vapour expand suddenly
  • The piston is pushed with great force. Both inlet valve and outlet valve are closed.

Four alternatives are given for each of the following questions / incomplete statements. Only one of them is correct or most appropriate. Choose the correct alternative and write the complete answer along with its alphabet in the space provided against each question.

37. In which group of plants, cotyledons appear above the soil during germination?

(A) Ragi and mustard

(B) Mustard and beans

(C) Groundnut and jowar

(D) Wheat and paddy.

Answer: B – Mustard and beans

38. The ghee packet should have which of the following stamps ?





Answer: D – AGMARK

39. Which is one of the functions of adrenaline?

(A) It increases the heartbeat

(B) It decreases the heartbeat

(C) It excretes water from kidneys

(D) It regulates growth

Answer: A – It increases the heartbeat

40. A new variety plant can be produced by which of the following techniques?

(A) Tissue culture

(B) Recombinant DNA technology

(C) DNA fingerprinting

(D) Cloning.

Answer: B – Recombinant DNA technology

41. Which of the following tissues in mammals show least capacity for regeneration?

(A) Blood

(B) Bone

(C) Nerve

(D) Cartilage.

Answer: C – Nerve

42. Match the names of Endocrine glands given in Column ‘A’ with their functions and symptoms of disorders given in Column ‘B’. Write the correct answer in the space provided:



(a) Pituitary gland

(i) development of uterus, irregular menstrual cycle

(b) Thyroid gland

(ii) co-ordination of rate of respiration and heartbeat, spongy bones

(c) Parathyroid gland

(iii) excretion of water from kidneys, protruded jaws

(d) Ovary

(iv) controls the amount of glucose, rapid pulse rate

(v) promotes growth, protruded tongue

(vi) controls the amount of salts in the bone, soft bones

(vii) increases the rate of metabolism, high blood glucose level

Answer: (a) Pituitary gland – iii) excretion of water from kidneys, protruded jaws

(b)Thyroid gland – (v) promotes growth, protruded tongue

(c) Parathyroid gland – (vi) controls the amount of salts in the bone, soft bones

(d) Ovary – (i) development of uterus, irregular menstrual cycle

Answer the following in a sentence each:

43. A student observes the footprints of an animal and groups it under Amphibia. Justify

Answer: A student observes the footprints of an animal and groups it under Amphibia

  • Fore limbs have four digits
  • Hind limbs have five digits.

44. How do bilirubin pigments increase in human blood?

Answer: When the liver cells are damaged. bilirubin pigments increase in human blood.

45. Decomposition also has a role to play during photosynthesis. Support the statement.

Answer: Decomposition also has a role to play during photosynthesis

  • Nutrients are absorbed from the soil.
  • Carbon dioxide is recycled and enters the reservoir pool.

46. What is Bio-technology?

Answer: Bio-technology:

  • The application of technology utilizing the characteristics of living organism to obtain useful products is termed as biotechnology.
  • The science of applying biological processes is called biotechnology.
  • The application of biological organisms, systems or processes to manufacturing and service industries is called biotechnology.

Answer the following questions in two to three sentences each:

47. Explain an experiment to detect the presence of argemone oil in edible oil.

Answer: Take about 5 ml of cooking oil and add equal amount of concentrated Nitric acid to it and stir using a glass rod. If a reddish brown colour appears at the bottom of the test tube. then this confirms the presence of argemone oil in edible oil.

48. While observing a micro-organism under an electron microscope, there is a confusion between two students as to whether it is a bacterium or a diatom. Help them to overcome their confusion.

Answer: A bacterium does not have a nuclear membrane (prokaryote) whereas diatom has a nuclear membrane (Eukaryote).

49. HIV is dreadful due to the enzyme present in it. Justify.

Answer: The enzyme converts RNA to DNA which is similar to human DNA. So it will be difficult for WBC to identify. Hence there is no production of antibodies. Thus HIV positive is prone to AIDS.

50. Differentiate between gaseous and sedimentary cycles.

Answer: The differences between gaseous and sedimentary cycles are:

Gaseous cycles

Sedimentary cycles

In gaseous cycles the reservoir pool is mostly

atmosphere or the hydrosphere.

In sedimentary cycles, the reservoir pool is mostly lithoshpere

Gaseous cycles are perfect cycles

Sedimentary cycles are imperfect cycles.

51. Write the steps involved during effluent treatment.

Answer: The steps involved during effluent treatment are:

  • Removal of toxic chemicals
  • Neutralization of acids and alkalis
  • Precipitation of metallic compounds
  • Reducing the temperature of waste water from power plant.

52. What changes bring about transformation of meristem to sclerenchyma?

Answer: Changes bring about transformation of meristem to sclerenchyma

  • Deposition of ligin
  • Losing nucleus and protoplasm.

Answer the following questions:

53. Explain the structure of neuron.

Answer: Neuron consists of a cell body and an axon. A prominent nucleus in the cell body and short brush like structures arising from the cell body known as dendrite. The axon is a long extension of the cell body ending in a bunch of branches. The axon is covered by a fatty layer known as myelin sheath.

54. Draw a diagram showing the external features of a fish and label any two parts.


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55. Draw a diagram of vertical section of human brain and label the following parts.

a) Cerebrum

b) Cerebellum.


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