CMS Full Form

What is the full form of CMS?

The full form of CMS is the Content Management System. CMS is a software platform used to handle changes in website content creation, enabling multiple authors to develop, update, and publish material. Contents in a CMS are typically stored on the database, and exhibited on a series of templates in the application layer. It is usually used for the ECM (enterprise content management) & WCM (web content management).

Web pages are usually written in programming languages such as CSS, JavaScript, PHP, HTML and so on, and if someone wants to build a website, they need to learn all of these concepts. CMS systems fix this issue by allowing everyone to create a website that doesn’t need to design software or learn the program.

Characteristics of CMS

  • Help the development of websites faster and easier.
  • CMS provides full design support without any alteration of the content.
  • CMS management and usage are simple
  • CMS administration panel that supports multiple languages.
  • The server needs less demand.
  • Integrated file managers & audit reports.
  • Quick update and simple to SEO.

Major elements of CMS

  1. CMA (Content Management Application) – It is the editing component of the front-end user interface which allows users to edit, change, add or remove content from a web page.
  2. CDA (Content Delivery Application) – It is the tool for publishing which upgrades the website details. It is the backend process which consumes the content you feed the CMA, accurately stores it and gives its visibility to the user.


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