Forest Conservation - Why And How?

A forest is a large area which is almost covered with woody vegetation or trees. It is one of the necessary constituents for the sustainability of living creatures on earth.

Why do we need forests?

Wherever you go, wherever you live you always need forests or at least the products of the forest. The three main things without which living beings cannot survive i.e. air, water and food depend on forests. So it can be said that forest is the essential ingredient for human survival. But nowadays due to the increase in population, there is an immense increase in deforestation rate. This has caused several changes in climate patterns across the globe which in turn is putting human survival in danger. Let us see how forests assist humans and play such an important role for the survival of life on this planet.

  • Air:

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Forests are also known as the lungs of the Earth. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen into the atmosphere which we breathe in during respiration. They even play an important role in maintaining the clouds and in turn the rainfall pattern, humidity, climate stability,and air quality.

  • Water:

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The forest is considered as nature’s water factory. It helps in storing, purifying and capturing water. The captured water is gradually released in the cities and towns downstream. Due to an increase in deforestation, forests lose their storing capacity and give rise to the frequent occurrence of a phenomenon like soil erosion, landslide, floods, and droughts.

  • Food:

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Forests not only provide us with the fruits and vegetables which we eat but they also provide food to living creatures like deer, rabbit, fish etc. Forests are home to a wide variety of plants some of which have great medicinal values.

How do we conserve forests?

Knowing all these things we get to know how important forests are in our life. The depletion in the green cover of the earth’s surface needs to be controlled, deforestation needs to be reduced. Let us figure out some ways by which we can conserve the forests.

  • Regulated and planned deforestation
  • Reforestation
  • Control on forest fires
  • Proper utilization of forest and forest products
  • Forest management and sustainable growth.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What steps should be taken to conserve forests?

The forests can be conserved in the following manner:
Introducing afforestation programs.
Controlling forest fires.
Proper utilization of forest resources.
Proper care should be taken to protect the forests from pests and diseases.

Why is it beneficial to conserve forests?

Forests provide us with a variety of resources such as wood, timber, fibre and other raw materials for domestic as well as commercial purposes. They absorb the harmful carbon dioxide gas and maintain the earth’s temperature. They also hold the soil firmly and prevent erosion of soil. This is why it is beneficial to conserve forests.

How can we conserve wildlife?

Wildlife can be conserved by:
Developing protective areas such as national parks, and wildlife sanctuaries to protect the animals in their natural habitat.
The endangered and vulnerable species can be kept in captivity in places such as zoos and bred to increase their population.
The cutting of forests should be strictly prohibited. It is an abode of a variety of wild animals.
The hunting of wild animals should be banned.

What will happen if all the forests are destroyed?

Fossil fuels are a non-renewable source of energy. Most of the energy used by us is obtained by the burning of fossil fuels. These fossil fuels are used up at a faster rate. They cannot be regrown at a scale compared to their consumption.

What is Deforestation?

Deforestation can be defined as the large-scale removal of trees from forests (or other lands) for the facilitation of human activities. It is a serious environmental concern since it can result in the loss of biodiversity, damage to natural habitats.
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