

118 Produkte

Zeigt 1 - 24 von 118 Produkten

Zeigt 1 - 24 von 118 Produkten
Assembled Pi T-Cobbler Plus - GPIO Breakout - Pi A+, B+, Pi 2, Pi 3, ZeroAssembled Pi T-Cobbler Plus - GPIO Breakout - Pi A+, B+, Pi 2, Pi 3, Zero
USB Micro-B Breakout BoardUSB Micro-B Breakout Board
Adafruit 128x64 OLED Bonnet for Raspberry PiAdafruit 128x64 OLED Bonnet for Raspberry Pi
GPIO Ribbon Cable for Raspberry Pi Model A+/B+/Pi 2/Pi 3/Pi 4 - (40 pins)GPIO Ribbon Cable for Raspberry Pi Model A+/B+/Pi 2/Pi 3/Pi 4 - (40 pins)
Adafruit CSI or DSI Cable Extender Thingy for Raspberry PiAdafruit CSI or DSI Cable Extender Thingy for Raspberry Pi
Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 40 x 6" (150mm)Premium Male/Male Jumper Wires - 40 x 6" (150mm)
MCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout BoardMCP9808 High Accuracy I2C Temperature Sensor Breakout Board
4-channel I2C-safe Bi-directional Logic Level Converter - BSS1384-channel I2C-safe Bi-directional Logic Level Converter - BSS138
Einsparung 8%
Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055Adafruit 9-DOF Absolute Orientation IMU Fusion Breakout - BNO055
16-Channel PWM / Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi - Adafruit Mini Kit16-Channel PWM / Servo HAT for Raspberry Pi - Adafruit Mini Kit
STEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-pin Cable - 100mm LongSTEMMA QT / Qwiic JST SH 4-pin Cable - 100mm Long
Einsparung 18%
Assembled Feather HUZZAH w/ ESP8266 WiFi With Stacking Headers - compatible with ArduinoAssembled Feather HUZZAH w/ ESP8266 WiFi With Stacking Headers - compatible with Arduino
Einsparung 8%
ADXL345 - Triple-Axis Accelerometer (+-2g/4g/8g/16g) w/ I2C/SPIADXL345 - Triple-Axis Accelerometer (+-2g/4g/8g/16g) w/ I2C/SPI
Adafruit DC & Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi - Mini KitAdafruit DC & Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi - Mini Kit
Adafruit Trinket - Mini Microcontroller - 5V Logic - compatible with ArduinoAdafruit Trinket - Mini Microcontroller - 5V Logic - compatible with Arduino
Einsparung 8%
IR Thermal Camera Breakout Adafruit AMG8833IR Thermal Camera Breakout Adafruit AMG8833
Adafruit IR Thermal Camera Breakout Adafruit AMG8833
Sonderpreis64,09 € Normalpreis69,49 €
PowerBoost 1000 Basic - 5V USB Boost @ 1000mA from 1.8V+PowerBoost 1000 Basic - 5V USB Boost @ 1000mA from 1.8V+
Monochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED graphic displayMonochrome 0.96" 128x64 OLED graphic display
Einsparung 19%
Mini USB MicrophoneMini USB Microphone
Adafruit Mini USB Microphone
Sonderpreis8,49 € Normalpreis10,49 €
NeoPixel Stick - 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated DriversNeoPixel Stick - 8 x 5050 RGB LED with Integrated Drivers
Silicone USB C Dust Cover Inserts - 10 packSilicone USB C Dust Cover Inserts - 10 pack
Adafruit DS3231 Precision RTC BreakoutAdafruit DS3231 Precision RTC Breakout
PCF8523 Real Time Clock for Raspberry PiPCF8523 Real Time Clock for Raspberry Pi
Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - compatible with ArduinoAdafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board - compatible with Arduino

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