Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill

Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill

A Welsh Government Bill, introduced by Jeremy Miles MS, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Energy and Welsh Language. The Business Committee has remitted the Bill to the Children, Young People and Education Committee.


About the Bill

The main objective of the Bill is to aim to ensure that all pupils reach the end of compulsory school age as independent Welsh language users. This will help contribute to the Welsh Government’s aim of ensuring one million Welsh speakers in Wales by 2050. The aim is for all pupils to develop oral skills equivalent to level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


The Bill will:


>>>provide a statutory basis to the target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050, as well as other targets relating to the use of the language;

>>>place a duty on the Welsh Ministers to review Welsh language standards;

>>>establish a standard method for describing Welsh language ability, and place a duty on the Welsh Ministers to draw up a Code that will establish a standard method for describing the characteristics of Welsh language users based on the common reference levels of the European Common Reference Framework for Languages;

>>>create statutory language categories for schools, together with Welsh language learning goals that are attached to the categories, and a specific minimum amount of Welsh language education required by Primarily English Language, partly Welsh schools;

>>>create a chain of accountability between linguistic planning carried out at school level, at local authority level, and at national level;

>>>establish a statutory body, the National Welsh Language Learning Institute (‘yr Athrofa Dysgu Cymraeg Genedlaethol’).




The Committee has launched a call for written evidence on 18 July 2024. The consultation will close on Friday 11 October 2024.


Further detail about the Bill can be found in its accompanying Explanatory Memorandum.


Current Stage



The Bill is currently at Stage 1. An explanation of the various stages of Senedd Bills is available in the Guide to the Stages of Public Bills and Acts.


Record of Passage in the Welsh Parliament

The following table sets out the dates for each stage of the Bill’s passage through the Senedd.



¬¬¬Stage 1 (Current)

The Children, Young People and Education Committee considered its approach to Stage 1 consideration on 17 July 2024.



The Committee has launched a call for written evidence on 18 July 2024. The consultation will close on Friday 11 October 2024.


Oral Evidence Schedule (PDF 58KB)


Committee dates

The Children, Young People and Education Committee. will consider the Bill on the following dates:

Date and Agenda

Purpose of meeting



17 July 2024

Consideration of Approach to Stage 1 Scrutiny (Private)



19 September 2024

Oral evidence session       



26 September 2024

Oral evidence Sessions     



2 October 2024

Oral evidence Sessions     



9 October 2024

Oral evidence Sessions



17 October 2024

Oral evidence Sessions



24 October 2024         

Oral evidence Sessions     



28 November 2024

Private discussion  



4 December 2024

Private discussion




The Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee will consider the Bill on the following dates:


Date and Agenda

Purpose of meeting




Consideration of Approach to Stage 1 Scrutiny (Private)      




Oral evidence session




Oral evidence sessions     




The Finance Committee will consider the Bill on the following dates:


Date and Agenda

Purpose of meeting



23 October 2024

Oral evidence sessions





¬¬¬Bill introduced (15 July 2024)

Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill, as introduced (PDF 447KB)


Explanatory Memorandum (PDF 1.85MB)


Statement of Policy Intent (PDF 428KB)


Presiding Officer’s Statement 15 July 2024 (PDF 216KB)


Business Committee’s Report on the timetable for consideration of the Bill (PDF 27KB)



Contact information

Clerk: Naomi Stocks

Phone:0300 200 6565


e-mail: seneddchildren@senedd.wales

Business type: Bill

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Stage 1

First published: 11/06/2024

