Lousy TradeBummerForShort on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bummerforshort/art/Lousy-Trade-272359173BummerForShort

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Lousy Trade



Thanks to Levitate, Yanma was unaffected by the following Earthquake.

I'm getting more and more comfy with my scanner, as all of the lineart in this strip comes from the originals on paper and then tweaked with my tablet, as opposed to photographing the lineart and then redrawing it completely on the computer. Feels good mang. I also got to play around with colors more, gives the flat images much more depth if played right.

Although Lunatone is the one suffering in yet another of my misfortunate battle strips, I actually like that guy. Favorite psychic type if anything.

Edit: And yes, Yanma is part flying type, hence immune to ground moves. That wasn't part of the strip, just a witty comment of mine building on it. You may now cease to bring it up.


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