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Series:  Poesis, Volume: 3
Volume Editor:
Der Band enthält 15 Beiträge zur lateinischen Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts aus mehreren europäischen Räumen (deutscher Sprachraum, Italien, England, Litauen/Polen, Estland, Skandinavien), zu verschiedenen Gattungen (Epos, Epigramm, Figurengedicht, Lyrik, Hymnus, Geschichtsschreibung, Traktat) und aus unterschiedlichen Funktionszusammenhängen (Buchpublikation, Festvortrag u.a.). Untersucht wird der Zusammenhang von Inhalt, Gattung und Funktionszusammenhang, besonders aber das jeweilige Verhältnis der lateinischen Texte zu der bereits entwickelten oder sich entwickelnden nationalsprachlichen Literatur. Hierbei stehen zwei Fragen im Vordergrund: Inwieweit führte die Konkurrenz mit der Nationalliteratur zu Innovationen in der lateinischen Literatur? Fügt sich lateinische Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts in die etablierten Epochengrenzen und -beschreibungen?
Études en hommage à Geneviève Bührer-Thierry / Beiträge zu Ehren von Geneviève Bührer-Thierry
Mit dem Band wird versucht, aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln der bischöflichen Autorität im mittelalterlichen Europa nachzugehen. Ansehen, Einfluss und tatsächlich ausgeübte Herrschaft können sich auf verschiedene Weise manifestieren: das geschriebene Wort nimmt hierbei eine zentrale Stellung ein. Der Wirkungskreis der behandelten Bischöfe und ihrer Bücher reicht vom westgotischen Spanien und vom frühmittelalterlichen Frankenreich mit Bayern und Sachsen über Frankreich, Italien, Katalonien und Galizien bis nach Sardinien und Korsika. Anhand von Fallstudien und ein paar übergreifenden Perspektiven wird die Zeit vom 7. bis zum 15. Jahrhundert in den Blick genommen. Zudem können drei bisher unbekannte und unveröffentlichte oder falsch identifizierte Texte vorgestellt werden: Konzilsakten aus Arles, ein Bibelkommentar des Hrabanus Maurus und ein fälschlich Theodulf von Orléans zugeschriebener Predigttext.
Towards Post-Anthropocentric Concepts of Multiplicity
The global socio-ecological crisis is making it increasingly clear that ‘we’ do not only act in interpersonal social and political relationships, but that non-human forms of life and relationships must also be taken into account in the critical analysis of our present. In light of that realization, this volume opens the question of the crowd towards a post-anthropocentric perspective on multiplicity. Based on speculative readings of works by K. Barad, M. de la Cadena, and C. Vicuña, the essays illuminate how a human-and-more-than-human intra/sectional approach can help deconstruct the western hegemonic framework in contemporary cultural thinking from a transdisciplinary perspective.
Did Orthodoxy come to a halt before modernity? Does Orthodox Christian theology function only in traditional contexts borrowing schemes and forms of rural society, to which the liturgical and theological symbolisms, the rhetoric models of preaching, the structures of church administration and its views on the relation between religion, politics, and secular society are closely linked?
Has Orthodoxy accepted the consequences of modernity or the Orthodox still feel a nostalgia for pre-modern forms of organization and structures of a glorified past, following in this way fundamentalism? Did even the movement called Return to the Fathers, as it was understood, and in spite of its initially renewal character, functioned unwittingly as a barrier, against modernity and its challenges?
Modernity and post-modernity constitute, however, the broader historical, social and cultural context within which the Church is called to accomplish its mission and to ceaselessly incarnate the Christian truth.
Giving souls strong individuality is one of Plato’s most influential but also most controversial innovations. This book addresses such souls’ agency, which is a prerequisite of their many functions not only in human life but in the universe at large. Its conclusion is that the agency proper to the soul stands apart from other Platonic causes as the only full-blooded agent whose actions and passions organize our short moral and civic life, all the while participating, thanks to the soul’s immortal existence and repeated reincarnation, in the maintenance of the cosmos as a home to innumerable living species. Together with treating this multitude of the soul’s tasks, the book pays attention to the unavoidable personification of the soul and to the carefully constructed images that impress on the reader its complexity.
Why do two reviewers evaluate the same research so differently? The book explores the hidden mechanisms behind academic gatekeeping, uncovering how reviewers’ judgments shift depending on their underlying logic—whether based on truth-seeking, scholarly reputation, or rigid metrics. By focusing on cases with conflicting outcomes and inconsistencies in standards, it offers a rare glimpse into the complex and (sometimes) unpredictable world of academic promotion. This research not only dissects academic practices within Polish sociology but also provides a broader understanding of how global pressures reshape local scientific communities.
An Inventory of Short Stories Featuring Speaking Animals and Other Nonhuman Characters in Premodern Arabic Literature
This is the first attempt to provide a representative inventory of fables documented in premodern Arabic literature. The introduction presents a detailed effort to define the Arabic fable and a condensed historical survey together with a short assessment of the content characteristics of the Arabic fable proper. An annotated bibliography discusses significant contributions to the study of the Arabic fable in detail. The book’s main body surveys a total of 330 numbered fables with short summaries, exhaustive references, and concise comments. The detailed documentation recognizes the Arabic fable as the long neglected equal of its dominantly perceived Graeco-Latin sibling.
Excavation of a Buddhist Monastery at Kaashidhoo
Part of a Buddhist monastery dating to A.D. 200–1500 was excavated between 1996 and 1998 on the island of Kaashidhoo in the Maldives, uncovering extensive ruins and human graves.
This book compares the findings with those from monasteries elsewhere in Asia, investigating the spread of cowrie shells, Chinese stoneware and South Asian earthenware. It documents all known Buddhist sites, sculptures and artefacts in the Maldives, presenting new evidence of Buddhist life, religious behaviour, funerary practice, faunal history and trading networks.
The book offers a fresh interpretation of the conversion from Buddhism to Islam in the Maldives.
This critical edition highlights the astrological writings of Jean Thenaud, a sixteenth-century astrologer at the French court who served Louise of Savoy and her son, King Francis I. Thenaud’s works provide a rare glimpse into the intense fascination with astrology at the Renaissance court, particularly during the crisis of 1524, when planetary conjunctions led to widespread fears of floods and natural disasters. By creatively incorporating Lucian of Samosata’s dialogues, Thenaud also crafted one of the earliest cosmic journeys in early modern European literature. This book enriches our understanding of how astrology, prophecy, politics, and literature interacted in shaping early modern European thought.
Volume Editors: and
The study deal with Jewish and Christian reception of the Book of Genesis and how the concepts “universalism” and “particularism” are used in Noah, Abraham and Jacob stories before the rise of Islam. As a synthesis of its discussed topics, the volume is a useful resource to understand early development of universalistic and particularistic ideas which became central theological topics in the three Abrahamic religions.