Courts in Evolving Societies

Sino-European Dialogue between Judges and Academics


Volume Editors: and
The challenges courts face today all over the world can only be solved in close cooperation between judges and academics which crosses national borders. The anthology brings judges and academics together for a dialogue on judicial reforms. The book presents contributions by the judges on their judicial systems (China, Germany, Slovenia, England and Wales and Norway). The contributions by the academics take up different themes which have emerged in the country reports: The topics include comparative, normative and organisational perspectives on national court systems as well as international perspectives on courts as guarantors of individual rights in an increasingly globalised rule-of-law framework.

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Chapter 7 Comparative Reflections
The Role of the Judge in the Melting Pot
Ragna Aarli, Ph.D. (2009), University of Bergen, is professor at the Law Faculty at that University. She has published monographs and articles on the role of courts in evolving societies and is a member of the Norwegian Court Commission (2017-2020).

Anne Sanders, Prof. Dr. (2007), Bielefeld University, holds the chair for Civil law, company law, law of family businesses and comparative judicial studies and is a judge at the Higher Regional Court of Hamm and a regular expert for the Council of Europe.
Everybody interested in court reform, so apart from academics, judges, court libraries, ministries of justice and court administration councils might be interested in the book.
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