The Role of EU Agencies in Fighting Transnational Environmental Crime

New Challenges for Eurojust and Europol


The last decades have witnessed a growing emphasis on the relationship between environmental law and criminal law. Legislation aimed at tackling environmental crime has been adopted at national, EU, and international level and has been gradually evolving over time. These developments notwithstanding, the current legal framework faces a number of challenges in tackling the largely inter-related phenomena of transnational, organised and economic environmental crime. This study by Valsamis Mitsilegas and Fabio Giuffrida addresses these challenges by focusing on the role of the European Union- and more specifically its criminal justice agencies (Europol and Eurojust)- in tackling transnational environmental crime. The study analyses the role of Eurojust and Europol in supporting and coordinating the competent national authorities dealing with investigations and/or prosecutions on transnational environmental crime, and it shows that, for the time being, the full potential of these agencies is not adequately exploited with regard to fighting this phenomenon effectively

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Valsamis Mitsilegas is Professor of European Criminal Law, Director of the Criminal Justice Centre and Head of the Department of Law at Queen Mary University of London.

Fabio Giuffrida is currently Ph.D. Candidate in European Criminal Law at Queen Mary University of London.
Students and scholars (EU law, EU criminal law, criminal law, transnational criminal law, and environmental law), policy-makers, practitioners (lawyers, prosecutors, members of the judiciary, law enforcement agencies' officials), government officials, NGOs and civil society.
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