Current Residence: New Jersey, USA
Birthday: August 18th, 1989
Favorite genre of music: Rock, Punk, Metal, some Pop
Favorite photographer: Myself, as well as many others.
Favorite style of art: I have no clue what that means, but I guess I like drawings and digital art best.
Operating System: Windows 7
MP3 player of choice: iPod Classic 160GB
Shell of choice: Koopa Shell, of course ;]
Wallpaper of choice: Don't have one
Skin of choice: Default
Favorite cartoon character: Mickey Mouse, Spongebob and Tommy Pickles have always been my personal faves.
Personal Quote: "Take life by the horns. Live for Today."
Thanks for faving😊🥰
You're welcome!
Hi, there!
Thank you for faving my birthday drawing for you on here!
How are you doing?
Heya, Stefan! No problem, of course I'd fave it! Thanks again for it! I'm hanging in there, dealing with a cold but alright otherwise. How are you?
Sorry for the late reply.
You're very welcome with the drawing I have done for you. ^^
I hope that cold you had didn't last long.
I am alright, thank you. I have sleep apnoea, so I have to wait until January to have the CPAP machine to help with my breathing while I'm asleep. That should hopefully solve my fatigue and my frequent illnesses.
My niece has had her birthday on Sunday, and we went bowling, then had fun at the arcades, then we went out to a restaurant to eat. She had her party the day before that as well. She enjoyed it! ^^
Hope that machine helps you breathe and sleep better at night! My brother-in-law has to use one of those himself for his sleep apnea, and my aunt and uncle each use one too for their respective issues. Wishing you well with getting the most use out of it.
Ah, that sounds like a lot of fun. It's a rewarding feeling, getting to be an uncle, isn't it? My niece celebrated her 2nd birthday last month herself, and she came over to visit me today too with my sister and brother-in-law which was a nice time.
Happy Birthday!