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The Basic Meeting List Toolbox (BMLT) is a full stack, open source solution for managing Narcotics Anonymous meetings. Starting with the Root Server on the back end, your meeting list updates will immediately be shown in front end applications, like Crouton for display on a website and Bread for printable PDF meeting lists. Moreover, neighboring service bodies or anyone else showing those meetings will get updated, instantly.
The first alpha release of the BMLT was in May 2009, with general availability the following month. Since then, it has grown to host 50% of the 76,075 known NA meetings in the world, including 41 Root Servers, 8 Zones, 112 regions, 1,075 areas, 21,574 groups, and 38,131 meetings.
You might already have a Root Server set up, and you can find out if you do here by finding your service body on the list. If it’s not there, head over to Setting Up the BMLT. If it is, you can start exploring apps like Crouton, Bread, Yap, and more.