Favourite Visual Artist
Fred Perry, Jingles, Red Silver, Petite-Emi, Vickyjane, Kodama-Sama, Pokkuti Lyman Dally, Mikazuki, Higalack, Jebriodo, Sunamori, and many others.
Favourite Movies
Star Wars Episode III, Bloodsport, Black Dynamite, Training Day, The Raid & Raid 2, Dragon Ball Super Broly
Favourite TV Shows
RAW, Breaking Bad, The Simpsons, DBZ, Outlaw Star, Gurren Lagann, To Catch a Predator, Lockup.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Dont have an exact one.
Favourite Books
To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby
Favourite Writers
Cant remember em of the top o' mah head.
Favourite Games
King Of Fighters Series, Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Soul Blade series, the SF Series, King of Fighters series (Anything thats not XII)
Favourite Gaming Platform
PS3 / PS2 / PSP / Dreamcast / Saturn / Genesis
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Pen Ink, and a Tablet
Other Interests
FMG, Anime, Friends, having fun, and other shit.