
100% Indian Caller ID

Finally, your data is in safe hands! We are a team of techies from BITS Pilani, IIM Bangalore with 10+ years of corporate experience in companies like Intel, McAfee, ARM, Zomato.

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Supported By

Made by Indians. Made for Indians.


High Data Security
Your data belongs to you and only you. We never shares your contacts with anyone.
Lightening Fast
BharatCaller searches millions of phone numbers and gives you the name of your caller.
See who searched you
Premium Membership allows you to see the list of people who have viewed your profile.
Completely Free
BharatCaller is completelty Free of Cost and only relies on Ads to generate revenue.
Call Logs Backup
Backup your Call logs along with the identification of the caller on BharatCaller app.
Completely Safe
BharatCaller is 100% Indian. Not a single byte of your data is ever sent outside India.

Our Team

Prajjwal Sinha

Co-Founder & CEO
IIM Bangalore, Ex-Intel, Ex-McAfee

Kunal Pasricha

Co-Founder & CTO
Ex-ARM, Ex-Wigwag

Ranjita Singh

Co-Founder & CMO
St. Aloysius


Backend Developer


Android Developer


Automation Engineer

Shashank Shekhar

Finance & Taxation


iOS Developer


QA Engineer

BharatCaller : a Truly Indian Caller ID App

BharatCaller is a Caller ID app and is used to identify unknown numbers. We have been using other caller id apps since 6 years and have always felt unfortable in giving them access to our contacs, call history and messages. One of the most popular caller id app is even banned by The Ministry of Defence in India. [Click to read the News] We tried finding a good Indian Caller ID app but could not find one. Hence we decided to build an Indian Caller ID app that works similar to other apps but only has Indian Engineers and makes sure that every single byte of data is stored in India.


BharatCaller covered by AajTak
BharatCaller covered by AajTak

Aug. 23, 2021, 2:11 p.m.

BharatCaller has been covered by Aaj Tak on 23 Aug 2021.

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5 Best Alternatives to True Caller in India
5 Best Alternatives to True Caller in India

Aug. 17, 2021, 6:19 p.m.

5 Best Alternatives to True Caller in India  One of the most widely known caller ID apps to block unwanted call…

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BharatCaller - an Indian Caller ID App
BharatCaller - an Indian Caller ID App

Aug. 17, 2021, 2:55 a.m.

BharatCaller is a 100% Indian Caller ID App. It lets users identify who is calling them and if the call is spam. It use…

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