What is the purpose of these accounts? ===> They are just for fun so you can use the icon for role play, or anything where you need to state there name. They are just fun little icons to use however you plz XD!
Can I join? lol yes you may. ^^ It's not a club but a directory.
Just watch :devkuroshitsujiplz: and you'll see the kuroplz accounts add up!
Also a nice place to find other KuroClubs once they affiliate with us. ^.~
The main account would have the most updates, so watch that one.:iconkuroshitsujiplz: Phantomhive Household: :iconciel-loveplz::iconsebastianluvplz::iconbardluvplz::iconfinny-plz::iconmayleneluvplz::icontanakaplz::iconp...