
Growing up and working on a farm, Rep. Bacon experienced firsthand the work and business lives of farmers. Nebraska’s farms and ranches utilize nearly 45 million acres, or 92 percent of the state’s total land area, and one in four Nebraska jobs is related to agriculture. In both our rural and urban communities, Nebraskan families and businesses depend on a strong agriculture economy. 

According to studies conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture and Nebraska Department of Agriculture, every dollar received from agricultural exports generates an additional $1.22 in economic activity across the supply chain. We must continue to expand opportunities to trade our state’s top exports, such as soybeans, beef, and corn, while also supporting programs that provide certainty to farmers in need and to those who are hungry. 

As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, Rep. Bacon enjoys representing a state that is centered in America’s heartland and is committed to feeding the American people. Through his work on the bipartisan Farm Bill, Rep. Bacon fights for farmers, ranchers, rural America, and those experiencing food insecurity.


Five of Rep. Bacon’s priorities have been included in the 2024 Farm Bill.

  • H.R. 5622, the “Youth Lead Act”, ensures continued funding for the next generation of farmers by supporting organizations like 4-H and FFA. As a member of the Congressional FFA Caucus, Rep. Bacon is dedicated to supporting students pursuing careers in agriculture. 
  • H.R. 8448, the “SOIL Act”, allows new farmers and ranchers to obtain preapproved loans to be competitive in land purchases. 
  • H.R. 8447, the “American Agricultural Security Act of 2024”, provides funding to land grant institutions to research cyber, biological, physical, and trade threats to American agriculture. As a member of the House Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, Rep. Bacon is committed to protecting national security and agriculture. 
  • H.R. 7131, the “AFIDA Improvements Act”, creates processes to protect the United States from growing purchases of farmland by the Chinese Communist Party. 
  • H.R. 5094, the “SNAP Staffing Flexibility Act”, addresses backlogs in SNAP application processing to assist Americans in purchasing adequate food for their families.