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Assistant Leader Neguse: “This month marks a big milestone in our work to ensure that our veterans have the health care that they need.”

July 15, 2024
Assistant Democratic Leader Joe Neguse Holds Press Conference

U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs grants millionth PACT Act benefit claim for American veterans and survivors.  

Washington, D.C. — Last week, House Assistant Minority Leader Joe Neguse was joined by leaders from across the Democratic Caucus for a press conference on the fight to improve health care and benefits for veterans and survivors. The Assistant Leader was joined by Ranking Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee Mark Takano as well as Representatives Mike Levin, Nikki Budzinski, and Marilyn Strickland. Earlier in the week, the Members held a Special Order Hour encouraging veterans and survivors to file their full claims for PACT Act benefits and make sure no money is left on the table.  

Find a full video of the Assistant Leader’s remarks from the press conference HERE, as well as highlights below. 

Assistant Leader Joe Neguse: “This month marks a big milestone in our work to ensure that our veterans have the health care that they need — 1 million claims, as you'll hear from my colleagues gathered today, have now been filed under the PACT Act. Transformative, generational, legislation that President Biden, Ranking Member Takano, Representatives Levin, Budzinski, and Strickland all helped usher into law. [...] The PACT Act accelerated VA health care enrollment periods for almost any veteran exposed to toxins. We are fighting, as House Democrats, to make sure that no money or benefits are left on the table, encouraging veterans and communities across the country to file their full claims and to make certain they're getting all their backdated benefits.” 

Rep. Mark Takano, Ranking Member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee: “House Democrats are fighting to reach every veteran and to ensure that they get the benefits they deserve. And while we have made significant strides with legislation like the Compact Act and the Honoring Our PACT act. Our work is far from over. The increase in veterans signing up for VA health care, and the millions of veterans and survivors receiving PACT Act benefits is proof that we need a strong VA ready to serve all generations of veterans. We need a welcoming VA ready to support the diverse veterans community. And we in Congress must continue to work to fund and support VA so that it can continue to be the world class institution that it is now and in the years to come.”  

Rep. Mike Levin: “And while there's no way we could ever fully repay our heroes for their sacrifice, we have an obligation to take care of them and their families when they return home. It's the least we could do. I've always said, and always will, no veteran should go hungry, homeless, jobless or without health care. And thanks to this landmark legislation, the PACT Act spearheaded by Democrats, signed by President Biden, we're one step closer to giving our troops, our sailors, our soldiers, our Marines, the care and benefits they deserve. This law is the largest expansion of veterans benefits in over 30 years, and now it expands health care eligibility to veterans exposed to burn pits and toxic substances. So critically important.”

Rep. Nikki Budzinski: “I am the granddaughter of World War II veterans and a proud member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee. I am focused on ensuring that all of our heroes receive the high quality health care that they deserve. A critical component of that work is implementation of the largest expansion of veterans benefits in a generation, the Honoring Our PACT Act. This bipartisan accomplishment by the House, the Senate, and the White House has helped more than a million veterans, and their survivors gain access to new benefits, all while cutting red tape and reducing wait times for our heroes.” 

Rep. Marilyn Strickland: “Democrats deliver. We focus on people. We are here to do the work because we are serious about the people that we represent. Over 8,000 veterans in my district have received PACT Act benefits and thousands more are eligible. Those who serve our country deserve high quality health care for current illnesses and anything in the future. In less than two years, with the leadership and commitment from House Democrats, over 1 million PACT Act claims have been granted and there's still more benefits on the table.” 
