Born: April 13, 1939 (Looks about 20 years old)
Kingdom: TV Kingdom
Occupation: Prince
Likes: Anything that has to do with electronics and other stuff that is too embarrassing to mention, and usually saying "man" at the end sentence to the point where it drives you crazy
Dislikes: Water (anything that can mess up electronics), Books, [[love ya man lmao]]
Height: 6'0
Weight: 145, with T.V. on, 160 lbs
Species: TV Person, Cyborg
Hiya, I'm the TV Prince, I currently reside in the TV Kingdom.
This TV on my head really hurts my back. It's literally killing me man.
Anyways, if you've got a question I would love to answer it man.
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Pics With Toshiba In It. These People are pretty fucking awesome