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OpenShift - Enterprise-Ready Kubernetes for Developers

by smarterclayton
macOS ◆ xterm-256color ◆ bash 12757 views

OpenShift is the enterprise-grade application platform - built on Kubernetes, designed for developers, and multi-tenant and secure from the ground up. Whether running on your laptop or in your datacenter, OpenShift is the easiest and most powerful way to develop and deploy cloud-native applications.

This screencast demonstrates launching a local OpenShift cluster on a system with Docker install - a full Kubernetes distribution, the OpenShift APIs, a local Docker registry, and the OpenShift HTTP router (based on HAProxy). To try this out, download the latest version of the client tools for your platform and run:

# stand up a local cluster
oc cluster up

# create a project (Kubernetes namespace) for your app
oc new-project example

# stand up a CakePHP + MySQL example application using one of the preconfigured OpenShift templates
oc new-app cakephp-mysql-example

# Watch the build logs for the CakePHP source code
oc logs -f bc/cakephp-mysql-example

# See a summary of the app
oc status

# Follow the deployment logs for CakePHP
oc logs -f dc/cakephp-mysql-example

# Browse to the route (exposed via the router)
curl http://cakephp-mysql-example-example.