Ancient RulerARTgazer12 on DeviantArt

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Ancient Ruler



Name: Tarik Odion
Nicknames: Jackal Prince, The Immortal Warrior, Wielder of the White Blades
Age: 16 (about 1600 years in actual)
Species: Jackal(ancient species)
Gender: Male
Height: 8' 8"
Weight: 316lbs

Tarik Odion was once the prince of the Jackals. He ruled alongside his brother in their glorious empire. their empire was one of the largest of its time. Tarik was a well beloved ruler as well, known for his peaceful resolutions and kindness to his people. But he was also a valiant warrior in the times needed for war. Holding a sacred white bladed staff, he fought their enemies and demonic monsters that dare attempted to invade their homeworld. His brother, however, never received as much glory and honor. While Tarik was nice and kind, his brother was evil and cruel. The people feared him when he was alone. When the time came for one of the princes to become king, their people unanimously voted for Tarik. Furious, his brother left the city borders, unknown to anyone where he had went.

A few days later, as the final preparations for the ceremony were being made, all of the city's borders were attacked all at once. Tarik fought with the armies, only to find that his brother was leading the army. Due to the anger in his heart, he went to the enemy; for if he could not be king, no one could. Tarik fought, along with his relations to the other animals, very well, but his brother knew their defenses well. Tarik's supporters and royal advisors knew the kingdom would fall, so they decided to put the old King's plan into action. They knocked him out with a special powder before dragging him off. Before his father died, he told the advisors of a secret tunnel down below the castle. There was a ancient relic, a tomb that could keep whatever was locked inside into a form of paralysis that can keep them from dying of anything. They locked him within the casket in the tomb. When the empire fell, the way to the tomb was sealed off.

Thousands of years later, High Roller sent some animals to dig up the remains of the castle. That was when they finally broke through the debris and made it to the tomb.

Tarik, in the past, was very kind and nice. However, after things went wrong with his brother, his personality changed. He is now rough, demanding of answers, and will not stand for any form of torment. he does stay kind to little ones and others who he sees has never done anything wrong. Tarik has a slight crush on Maya, since she reminds him of the ancient Eagle Princess he knew thousands of years ago. He despises demons with no end.

Tarik, being a jakal, has a number of animal abilities. He can see well in the dark, hear noises others cannot, has increased strength and speed, and can jump higher than most. Under his training as a child, Tarik has picked up skills on both magical and weaponized tactics. He wields the Sacred White Blade; a blade that is know to be able to slay demons with a single scratch. His magical abilities seem to be with the four basic elements; water, wind, fire, and earth. He is skilled with the powers of earth and fire, however wind and water tend to backfire against him.


Alright, what do you think?! I saw this one video and when I saw that design, I knew I had to make one. And for Hero 108: A New Beginning nonetheless...

Hero 108: Yang-Ming Tarng
Hero 108: A New Beginning:~ARTgazer12 and *Skull-gum
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