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Community Project Funding

The House Committee on Armed Services provides House Members the opportunity to submit Community Project Funding requests for consideration as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024. Please find background information on the process and requirements for submissions here.

As part of the committee's commitment to transparency, Members were required to post their Community Project Funding requests and certification of financial disclosure letters on their websites. In addition, the Committee on Armed Services has posted a list of all submitted requests publicly available here. The information contained in this document is as submitted to the committee by the Member and any questions about it should be directed to the Member office. Finally, this document also includes a link to the website provided by the Member office where they have publicly posted their requests.

Pursuant to clause 17(b) of House Rule XXIII, the Committee is required to make available for public inspection the following information for each Community Project Funding request included in H.R. 8070, the Servicemember Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025: (1) the name of the member submitting the request; (2) the name and address of the intended recipient or, if none, the intended location of the activity; (3) the purpose of the request; and (4) the signed letter of certification that the member or their spouse has no financial interest in such request. This material, as submitted to the committee, can be found here and here. 

Previous years:

Fiscal Year 2024