Dr. Leshner was appointed Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) in February 1994. One of the scientific institutes of the U.S. National Institutes of Health, NIDA supports over 85% of the world's research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction.
Prior to coming to NIDA, Dr. Leshner had been the Deputy Director and Acting Director of the National Institute of Mental Health. He went to NIMH from the National Science Foundation (NSF), where he held a variety of senior positions, focusing on basic research in the biological, behavioral and social sciences, and on science education.
Dr. Leshner went to NSF after 10 years at Bucknell University, where he was Professor of Psychology. While on the faculty at Bucknell, he also held long-term appointments at the Postgraduate Medical School in Budapest, Hungary, at the Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center, and as a Fulbright Scholar at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel. Dr. Leshner's research has focused on the biological bases of behavior. He is the author of a major textbook on the relationship between hormones and behavior, and numerous book chapters and papers in professional journals. He also has published extensively in the areas of science and technology policy and education.
Dr. Leshner received his undergraduate degree in psychology from Franklin and Marshall College, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in physiological psychology from Rutgers University. He has been elected a fellow of many professional societies, and has received numerous awards from both professional and lay groups for his national leadership in science, mental illness and mental health, and substance abuse and addiction. In 1996, President Clinton conferred the Presidential Distinguished Executive Rank Award on Dr. Leshner, the highest award in Federal service. In the fall of 1998, Dr. Leshner was elected to membership in the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences.
Director's Columns from NIDA NOTES
- Using Science To Counter the Spread of Ecstasy Abuse from Volume 16, Number 5. (2001)
- Countering Abuse and Addiction With Information Audiences Can Use' from Volume 16, Number 4. (2001)
- Understanding the Risks of Prescription Drug Abuse from Volume 16, Number 3. (2001)
- When the Question Is Drug Abuse and Addiction, the Answer Is 'All of the Above' from Volume 16, Number 2. (2001)
- Meeting the Challenge of Reducing Health Disparities from Volume 16, Number 1. (2001)
- Blending Drug Abuse Research and Practice To Improve Treatment from Volume 15, Number 6. (2001)
- NIDA's Nicotine Research Provides Scientific Approaches to Combat a Deadly Addiction from Volume 15, Number 5. (2000)
- Treating the Brain in Drug Abuse from Volume 15, Number 4. (2000)
- NIDA's Epidemiological Compasses from Volume 15, Number 3. (2000)
- NIDA's Strategic Plan for 2000-2005 from Volume 15, Number 2. (2000)
- Addressing the Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse from Volume 15, Number 1. (2000)
- A Club Drug Alert from Volume 14, Number 6. (2000)
- The State of the Art in Drug Addiction Treatment from Volume 14, Number 5. (1999)
- Drug Abuse and Mental Disorders: Comorbidity Is Reality from Volume 14, Number 4. (1999)
- Research Shows Effects of Prenatal Cocaine Exposure Are Subtle But Significant from Volume 14, Number 3. (1999)
- Drug Abuse Research Helps Curtail the Spread Of Deadly Infectious Diseases from Volume 14, Number 2. (1999)
- The Next Generation Of Drug Abuse Research from Volume 14, Number 1. (1999)
- Institute Will Expand Research Into the Interaction of Genetics and Environment in Vulnerability to Drug Abuse and Addiction from Volume 13, Number 6. (1999)
- NIDA Research Provides Data to Document and Improve the Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Health Services from Volume 13, Number 5. (1999)
- Gender Matters in Drug Abuse Research from Volume 13, Number 4. (1998)
- Addiction Research Can Provide Scientific Solutions to the Problem of Cigarette Smoking from Volume 13, Number 3. (1998)
- NIDA Probes the Elusive Link Between Child Abuse and Later Drug Abuse from Volume 13, Number 2. (1998)
- NIDA Expands Research to Meet Challenge of Methamphetamine Abuse from Volume 13, Number 1. (1998)
- Applying Scientific Research Can Counter Rise in Heroin Use from November/December, 1997
- National Study Offers Strong Evidence of the Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment from September/October, 1997
- NIDA Initiative Will Stimulate Improvements in Drug Abuse Treatment from July/August, 1997
- Research Meets the Challenge of Preventing Drug Use Among Young People from May/June, 1997
- NIDA Responds to the Changing Dynamics of the AIDS Epidemic from March/April, 1997
- Taking Drug Abuse Research to the Community from January/February, 1997
- NIDA's Brain Imaging Studies Serve as Powerful Tools to Improve Drug Abuse Treatment from November/December, 1996
- Professional Exchanges Strengthen Drug Abuse Research, Prevention, and Treatment from September/October, 1996
- NIDA Seeks New Keys to Preventing Drug Abuse Among Adolescents from May/June, 1996
- Bridging the "Great Disconnect" from March/April, 1996
- NIDA Develops Guidelines for Research Center Grant Program from January/February, 1996
- Broadening the Role of NIDA's Neuroscience Research from November/December, 1995
- Progress and Potential Mark NIDA's Search for a Cocaine Treatment Medication from September/October, 1995
- Marijuana Initiative Features Scientifically Accurate, Credible Messages from July/August, 1995
- AIDS Brings Greater Research Obligation, More Potential for Results from May/June, 1995
- Broadening NIDA's Basic Research on Behavior from March/April, 1995
- Filling the Gender Gap in Drug Abuse Research from January/February, 1995
- Spreading the Word about NIDA Research from October/November, 1995
Published Articles and Presentations
- Addiction Is a Brain Disease, Published by the National Academy of Sciences, Issues in Science and Technology online (2001)
- "Oops: How Casual Drug Use Leads to Addiction" - By Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D., Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, (2001)
- "Exploding Myths about Drug Abuse" - By Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D., Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse (2001)
- Parents: Nicotine Is A Real Threat To Your Kids - By Dr. Alan I. Leshner, Director of NIDA.(2000)
- Club Drugs Aren't "Fun Drugs" - By Dr. Alan I. Leshner, Director of NIDA. (June, 2000)
- Addiction Is a Brain Disease, and It Matters, Published in Science Magazine October 1997
- Addicted to Nicotine, Appeared in papers nationwide from 4-6-98 to 9-24-99
- Why Should We Treat Addicts Anyway? The Solution We Refuse to Use, Currently appearing in papers nationwide since November, 1999.
- The Essence of Drug Addiction, Appeared in papers nationwide from 7-15-97 to 4-3-98
- Why Do Sally and Johnny Use Drugs?, Appeared in papers nationwide from 12-11-98 to 8-31-99