About AHQ


  • How do I search for information?

    Type keywords for your topic into the text box, click search, and browse the list of results.
    Click Advanced Search to limit your query to a specific product, specific parts of the message (subject or body), and other advanced options.
  • How does auto-suggest work?

    Auto-suggest accelerates your search by displaying results as you type the search terms. When you see the post or player you're looking for, you can go to the post or the player's profile right from the auto-suggest results.
  • How do I filter and customize search results?

    You can use the interactive search filters in the Narrow Results sidebar to refine the search results based on location, author, date, and other options. Filtering results is as easy as clicking one (or more) of the search filters.
    • Want to limit your search results to accepted solutions? Just click the check box for Solved.
    • Want only the most recent results? Use one of the date filters to see results for a day or a week past.
    You can also filter your results by individual players or all results from members of the same rank. For example, you can look for results by a specific member, or look for all results written by experts. Auto-suggest will help find members as you type a name or rank.
    Combining multiple search filters will refine your results even further. For example, you can select Solved and A month ago as your By Date to see just the results in accepted solutions for the last month. Active filters will show at the top of the results list. Remove a filter by clicking the X button next to the filter.