How would you fit in AdGuard?
15 years ago, AdGuard was just three guys working out of a small apartment. And look at us now! Forbes calls us an ad-blocking giant. Our team has grown to over 100 people, including developers, designers, QA engineers, content writers, and support gurus. What team would you be on if you worked at AdGuard? Take our quiz to find out!
QA engineer
You seem like a great fit for the QA team! You’re meticulous and attentive, but you don't mind loosening up and having fun once in a while.
Are you sure you’re not an AdGuard developer? They are also obsessed with their work and have their own strict schedule. But when it comes to partying — well, they are just unbeatable!
Content writer
Looks like a fairy sprinkled you with creative dust, making you a perfect fit for the content team! They are the cool and outgoing ones, with a taste for fancy food and all things international.
Looks like you could easily fit in with the design team. These guys take complex ideas and turn them into stylish, user-friendly interfaces. They don’t shy away from a challenge either. And boy, do they know how to party...
Support engineer
You can talk to anyone, and everyone is happy to have you in the room. You answer even the toughest questions with ease. Much like our support guys, you are as kind as you are smart and, most importantly, reliable.
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