Love wins - selfportrait (13 hours)Aadavy on DeviantArt

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July 16, 2015
Love wins - selfportrait (13 hours) by Aadavy is wonderfully rendered pencil work with a cute backstory to match!
Featured by jempavia
Suggested by Wildphoenix22
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Love wins - selfportrait (13 hours)



    Yup, there it is. Most schoolchildren in Europe have got holidays now, including me. I've already spent those 13 hours of holidays working on this A4 motherf*cker and it has really payed off. It's A4 big, made with regular schoolpencils. It's a sweet revenge for me. I'm able to use my pencils in better way than just for underlining titles, see, teachers? Gotcha!
    I've never hated my face so much like after these 13 hours of staring at my photo, though.
    It was also a tiny challenge. I don't usually draw that much realistic-like like I did this time. I wanted to test my skills. It's not an art. It's not moving or emocional, it's doesn't make you realise something, it's not an outstanding or revolutionary idea, it's just my face made with pencils on a watercolour paper. 
And it's not hyperrealism aswell. I don't own bristol boards or airbrushes, you can't get that easily in my small state when you're 15y.o. and live in a village :C
    If there's anyone who reads this and wants to draw or paint stuff like this one day...I recommend you not to do so. Do something to make other people smile, or think. I worked 13 hours on one picture which is kinda just a photo-copy and I'm sure people will look at it for less than 13 seconds and say something like "yea, nice pic". That's not what art is supposed to be, at least I don't think so :) if you draw a beaten puppy, sensitive people will go and hug their own dog because they love him and they want him to be happy and not beaten or sad like it's in the picture - that's art for me. 
    Title "Love wins" is a reaction to the world news and gay marriages and parades and stuff. I don't have got colourful FB profile pic but I'm not homophobe. I'm glad that there is now more of happy people in the world because some of them really deserved it. I'm not a lesbian myself and I hope that nobody will take this title like "Yes, she just wants to get attention". No. I want to enjoy my holidays. I want to be happy, I want to be all colours of the spectrum, like the lady on my paper is, I don't want to cry during nights or sleep 3 hours daily like through my whole school year, I want my self-esteem back, I want to be as proud as I was when I've finished this image. I want love to win, I don't care how sugary or theatrically it sounds. 

I'm able to send my references or work-in-progress, or bigger resolution if anyone's interested! :) 
Autoportrait - backstage storyHey guuys!
Well, I was quite surprised from the poll I've made recently (not the one about marihuana, tho Weed. )

It seems like most of the people (I know that just 32 people said their opinion in the poll but it's stil clear result because I was one of those two person who voted for no :D ) would like to see my work in progress! So why not to start with the latest image I've made!
So enjoy this long post with 14 big pictures about my Love wins - selfportrait (13 hours)
All tools and particular colors what I've used are included

Here you can see as the light

In case you want to see WIPs :) 
Image size
9766x13882px 31.84 MB
Date Taken
Jul 1, 2015, 3:27:00 PM
© 2015 - 2025 Aadavy
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LoneRevenger's avatar
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star::star::star-half: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star: Impact

To begin with, I'd like to say that my general opinion about this piece of art is pretty positive. I like the way you blend colours and express the atmosphere of the portrait. For me (self-taught artist) drawing coloured artworks is insanely hard, moreover, drawing them with pencils, when you can't press the "undo" button. This is a type of work that, undoubtedly, must be appreciated. Great job!

However, sky is the limit. Furthermore, what's the point of requesting critics, if everything is positive. There will be nowhere to grow. The part of the artwork I want attention to be paid on is hair. Despite I enjoy all these tiny details, generally, the hair looks a bit "roughly-drawn". In addition, I tend to think, the mouth needs lower teeth. Surely they should look way more darker, but at least to be seen. That's all about the bad aspects.

In conclusion, I still want to say that this is an exceedingly beautiful and cute artwork and I hope your future portraits will convey the atmosphere as good as this does.