Nutanix Prism Element by HTTP
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Nutanix Prism Element monitoring and doesn't require any external scripts.
The templates "Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP" and "Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP" can be used in discovery, as well as manually linked to a host.
More details can be found in the official documentation:
Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Nutanix Prism Element (API v2.0)
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
- Create a new Nutanix user and add the role "Viewer"
- Create a new host
- Link the template to host created earlier
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) required for getting data:
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) with the login and password of the Nutanix user created earlier:
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.IP} | Set the Nutanix API IP here. |
<Put your IP here> |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.PORT} | Set the Nutanix API port here. |
9440 |
{$NUTANIX.USER} | Nutanix API username. |
<Put your API username here> |
{$NUTANIX.PASSWORD} | Nutanix API password. |
<Put your API password here> |
{$NUTANIX.PROXY} | Sets the HTTP proxy value. If this macro is empty, then no proxy is used. |
{$NUTANIX.CLUSTER.DISCOVERY.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable Nutanix clusters by name. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.CLUSTER.DISCOVERY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix clusters by name. |
{$NUTANIX.HOST.DISCOVERY.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable Nutanix hosts by name. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.HOST.DISCOVERY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix hosts by name. |
{$NUTANIX.STORAGE.CONTAINER.DISCOVERY.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable storage containers by name. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.STORAGE.CONTAINER.DISCOVERY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered storage containers by name. |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Get cluster | Get the available clusters. |
Script | nutanix.cluster.get |
Get cluster check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.get.check Preprocessing
Get host | Get the available hosts. |
Script | |
Get host check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Get storage container | Get the available storage containers. |
Script | |
Get storage container check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Nutanix: Failed to get cluster data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Prism Element by HTTP/nutanix.cluster.get.check))>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Failed to get host data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Prism Element by HTTP/>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Failed to get storage container data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Prism Element by HTTP/>0 |
High |
LLD rule Cluster discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Cluster discovery | Discovery of all clusters. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.discovery Preprocessing
LLD rule Host discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Host discovery | Discovery of all hosts. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
LLD rule Storage container discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Storage container discovery | Discovery of all storage containers. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Storage container discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Container [{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.NAME}]: Space: Total, bytes | The total space of the storage container. |
Dependent item |["{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.UUID}"] Preprocessing
Container [{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.NAME}]: Space: Free, bytes | The free space of the storage container. |
Dependent item |["{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.UUID}"] Preprocessing
Container [{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.NAME}]: Replication factor | The replication factor of the storage container. |
Dependent item |["{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.UUID}"] Preprocessing
Container [{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.NAME}]: Space: Used, bytes | The used space of the storage container. |
Dependent item |["{#STORAGE.CONTAINER.UUID}"] Preprocessing
Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Nutanix Cluster Prism Element monitoring and doesn't require any external scripts.
This template can be used in discovery, as well as manually linked to a host - to do so, attach it to the host and manually set the value of the {$NUTANIX.CLUSTER.UUID}
More details can be found in the official documentation:
- on retrieving UUIDs;
- on the Nutanix Prism Element REST API;
- on differences between Nutanix API versions.
Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Nutanix Prism Element (API v2.0)
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
- Create a new Nutanix user and add the role "Viewer"
- Create a new host
- Link the template to the host created earlier
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) required for getting data:
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) with the login and password of the Nutanix user created earlier:
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) with the UUID of the Nutanix Cluster:
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.IP} | Set the Nutanix API IP here. |
<Put your IP here> |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.PORT} | Set the Nutanix API port here. |
9440 |
{$NUTANIX.USER} | Nutanix API username. |
<Put your API username here> |
{$NUTANIX.PASSWORD} | Nutanix API password. |
<Put your API password here> |
{$NUTANIX.PROXY} | Sets the HTTP proxy value. If this macro is empty, then no proxy is used. |
{$NUTANIX.CLUSTER.UUID} | UUID of the cluster. |
{$NUTANIX.TIMEOUT} | API response timeout. |
10s |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable Nutanix alerts by name. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by name. |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.STATE.MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by state. Set "1" for filtering only problem alerts or "0" for resolved ones. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.SEVERITY.MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by severity. Set all possible severities for filtering in the range 0-2. "0" - Info, "1" - Warning, "2" - Critical. |
.* |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Get metric | Get data about basic metrics. |
Script | nutanix.cluster.metric.get |
Get metric check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.metric.get.check Preprocessing
Get alert | Get data about alerts. |
Script | nutanix.cluster.alert.get |
Get alert check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.get.check Preprocessing
Content Cache: Hit rate, % | Content cache hits over all lookups. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.hit.percent Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical memory usage, bytes | Logical memory used to cache data without deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.logical.memory.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical saved memory usage, bytes | Memory saved due to content cache deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.saved.memory.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical SSD usage, bytes | Logical SSD memory used to cache data without deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.logical.ssd.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Content Cache: Number of lookups | Number of lookups on the content cache. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.lookups.num Preprocessing
Content Cache: Physical memory usage, bytes | Real memory used to cache data via the content cache in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.physical.memory.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Content Cache: Physical SSD usage, bytes | Real SSD usage used to cache data via the content cache in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.physical.ssd.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Content Cache: References | Average number of content cache references. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.dedup.ref.num Preprocessing
Content Cache: Saved SSD usage, bytes | SSD usage saved due to content cache deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.content.cache.saved.ssd.usage.bytes Preprocessing
Controller: Random IO | The number of random Input/Output operations from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Random IO, % | The percentage of random Input/Output from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Sequence IO | The number of sequential Input/Output operations from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Sequence IO, % | The percentage of sequential Input/Output from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Timespan, sec | Controller timespan. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total, bytes | Total controller Input/Output size. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total, sec | Total controller Input/Output time. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total read, bytes | Total controller read Input/Output size. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total read, sec | Total controller read Input/Output time. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Cluster operation mode | The cluster operation mode. One of the following: - NORMAL; - OVERRIDE; - READONLY; - STANDALONE; - SWITCH_TO_TWO_NODE; - UNKNOWN. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.cluster.operation.mode Preprocessing
General: Current redundancy factor | Current value of the redundancy factor on the cluster. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.redundancy.factor.current Preprocessing
General: Desired redundancy factor | The desired value of the redundancy factor on the cluster. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.redundancy.factor.desired Preprocessing
General: IO | The number of Input/Output operations from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the disk. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.general.iops Preprocessing
General: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO, latency | Input/Output latency from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Random IO | The number of random Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Random IO, % | The percentage of random Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO | Total number of Input/Output read operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IOPS | Input/Output read operations per second from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, % | The total percentage of Input/Output operations that are reads. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, latency | Average Input/Output read latency. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Sequence IO | The number of sequential Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Sequence IO, % | The percentage of sequential Input/Output. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage capacity, bytes | Total size of the datastores used by this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage free, bytes | Total free space of the datastores used by this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage logical usage, bytes | Total logical space used by the datastores of this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage usage, bytes | Total physical datastore space used by this host and all its snapshots on the datastores. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Timespan, sec | Cluster timespan. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.general.timespan.sec Preprocessing
General: IO total, sec | Total time of Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total, bytes | Total size of Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total read, sec | Total time of Input/Output read operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total read, bytes | Total size of Input/Output read operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total transformed usage, bytes | Actual usage of storage. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total untransformed usage, bytes | Logical usage of storage (physical usage divided by the replication factor). |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Upgrade progress | Indicates whether the cluster is currently in an update state. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.general.upgrade.progress Preprocessing
General: Version | Current software version in the cluster. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.general.upgrade.version Preprocessing
General: Write IO | Input/Output write operations from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IOPS | Total number of Input/Output write operations per second. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.general.iops.write Preprocessing
General: Write IO, % | Total percentage of Input/Output operations that are writes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO, latency | Average Input/Output write operation latency. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: CPU usage, % | Percentage of CPU used by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.hypervisor.cpu.usage.percent Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.hypervisor.iops Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO, latency | Input/Output operation latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Memory usage, % | Percentage of memory used by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.hypervisor.memory.usage.percent Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO | The number of Input/Output operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO | The number of Input/Output read operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IOPS | Input/Output read operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO, latency | Input/Output read latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Timespan, sec | Hypervisor timespan. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.hypervisor.timespan.sec Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total, sec | Total Input/Output operation time from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total, bytes | Total Input/Output operation size from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total read, bytes | Total Input/Output read operation size from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total read, sec | Total Input/Output read operation time from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IOPS | Input/Output write operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.hypervisor.iops.write Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO | Input/Output write operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO, latency | Input/Output write latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO | Input/Output operations from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO, latency | Input/Output latency from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IOPS | Input/Output read operations per second from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO | Input/Output read operations from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, % | Percentage of Input/Output operations from the Storage Controller that are reads. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, latency | Input/Output read latency from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, bytes | Storage controller average read Input/Output in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Total transformed usage, bytes | Actual usage of the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO | Input/Output write operations to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IOPS | Input/Output write operations per second to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, % | Percentage of Input/Output operations to the Storage Controller that are writes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, latency | Input/Output write latency to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, bytes | Storage Controller average write Input/Output in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata capacity, bytes | The total capacity of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata free, bytes | The free space of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata usage, bytes | The used space of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD capacity, bytes | The total capacity of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD free, bytes | The free space of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD usage, bytes | The used space of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Nutanix: Failed to get metric data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP/nutanix.cluster.metric.get.check))>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Failed to get alert data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP/nutanix.cluster.alert.get.check))>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Redundancy factor mismatched | Current redundancy factor does not match the desired redundancy factor. |
last(/Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP/nutanix.cluster.redundancy.factor.current)<>last(/Nutanix Cluster Prism Element by HTTP/nutanix.cluster.redundancy.factor.desired) |
High |
LLD rule Alert discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Alert discovery | Discovery of all alerts. Alerts will be grouped by title. For each alert, in addition to the basic information, the number of activation and last alert ID will be available. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.discovery Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Alert discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Full title | The full title of the alert. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.title["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Create datetime | The alert creation date and time. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.created["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Severity | Alert severity. One of the following: - Info; - Warning; - Critical; - Unknown. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.severity["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: State | Alert state. One of the following: - OK; - Problem. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.state["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Detailed message | Detailed information about the current alert. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.message["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Last alert ID | Latest ID of the alert. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.last_id["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Count alerts | The number of times this alert was triggered. |
Dependent item | nutanix.cluster.alert.count["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP
This template is designed for the effortless deployment of Nutanix Host Prism Element monitoring and doesn't require any external scripts.
This template can be used in discovery, as well as manually linked to a host - to do so, attach it to the host and manually set the value of the {$NUTANIX.HOST.UUID}
More details can be found in the official documentation:
- on retrieving UUIDs;
- on the Nutanix Prism Element REST API;
- on differences between Nutanix API versions.
Zabbix version: 7.2 and higher.
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- Nutanix Prism Element (API v2.0)
Zabbix should be configured according to the instructions in the Templates out of the box section.
- Create a new Nutanix user and add the role "Viewer"
- Create a new host
- Link the template to the host created earlier
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) required for getting data:
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) with the login and password of the Nutanix user created earlier:
- Set the host macros (on the host or template level) with the UUID of the Nutanix Host:
Macros used
Name | Description | Default |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.IP} | Set the Nutanix API IP here. |
<Put your IP here> |
{$NUTANIX.PRISM.ELEMENT.PORT} | Set the Nutanix API port here. |
9440 |
{$NUTANIX.USER} | Nutanix API username. |
<Put your API username here> |
{$NUTANIX.PASSWORD} | Nutanix API password. |
<Put your API password here> |
{$NUTANIX.PROXY} | Sets the HTTP proxy value. If this macro is empty, then no proxy is used. |
{$NUTANIX.HOST.UUID} | UUID of the host. |
{$NUTANIX.TIMEOUT} | API response timeout. |
10s |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.NAME.MATCHES} | Filter of discoverable Nutanix alerts by name. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.NAME.NOT_MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by name. |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.STATE.MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by state. Set "1" for filtering only problem alerts or "0" for resolved ones. |
.* |
{$NUTANIX.ALERT.DISCOVERY.SEVERITY.MATCHES} | Filter to exclude discovered Nutanix alerts by severity. Set all possible severities for filtering in the range 0-2. "0" - Info, "1" - Warning, "2" - Critical. |
.* |
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Get metric | Get data about basic metrics. |
Script | |
Get metric check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Get disk | Get data about installed disks. |
Script | |
Get disk check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Get alert | Get data about alerts. |
Script | |
Get alert check | Data collection check. Check the latest values for details. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Hit rate, % | Content cache hits over all lookups. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical memory usage, bytes | Logical memory used to cache data without deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical saved memory usage, bytes | Memory saved due to content cache deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Logical SSD usage, bytes | Logical SSD memory used to cache data without deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Number of lookups | Number of lookups on the content cache. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Physical memory usage, bytes | Real memory used to cache data via the content cache in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Physical SSD usage, bytes | Real SSD usage used to cache data via the content cache in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: References | Average number of content cache references. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Content Cache: Saved SSD usage, bytes | SSD usage saved due to content cache deduplication in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Random IO | The number of random Input/Output operations from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Random IO, % | The percentage of random Input/Output from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Sequence IO | The number of sequential Input/Output operations from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Controller: Sequence IO, % | The percentage of sequential Input/Output from the controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Timespan, sec | Controller timespan. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total, bytes | Total controller Input/Output size. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total, sec | Total controller Input/Output time. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total read, bytes | Total controller read Input/Output size. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO total read, sec | Total controller read Input/Output time. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Boot time | The last host boot time. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: CPU frequency | The processor frequency. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: CPU model | The processor model. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Host state | Displays the host state. One of the following: - NEW; - NORMAL; - MARKED_FOR_REMOVAL_BUT_NOT_DETACHABLE; - DETACHABLE. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Host type | Displays the host type. One of the following: - HYPER_CONVERGED; - COMPUTE_ONLY. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO | The number of Input/Output operations from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO, latency | Input/Output latency from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Degrade status | Indicates whether the host is in a degraded state. One of the following: - Normal; - Degraded; - Unknown. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Maintenance mode | Indicates whether the host is in maintenance mode. One of the following: - Normal; - Maintenance; - Unknown. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Number of virtual machines | Number of virtual machines running on this host. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Random IO | The number of random Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Random IO, % | The percentage of random Input/Output. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO | Input/Output read operations from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IOPS | Total number of Input/Output read operations per second. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, % | The total percentage of Input/Output operations that are reads. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Read IO, latency | Average Input/Output read latency. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Reboot pending | Indicates whether the host is pending to reboot. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Sequence IO | The number of sequential Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Sequence IO, % | The percentage of sequential Input/Output. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage capacity, bytes | Total size of the datastores used by this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage free, bytes | Total free space of all the datastores used by this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage logical usage, bytes | Total logical used space by the datastores of this system in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Storage usage, bytes | Total physical datastore space used by this host and all its snapshots on the datastores. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Timespan, sec | Host timespan. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total CPU capacity | Total host CPU capacity in Hz. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total, sec | Total time of Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total, bytes | Total size of Input/Output operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total memory, bytes | Total host memory in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total read, sec | Total time of Input/Output read operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: IO total read, bytes | Total size of Input/Output read operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total transformed usage, bytes | Actual usage of storage. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Total untransformed usage, bytes | Logical usage of storage (physical usage divided by the replication factor). |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO | Total number of Input/Output write operations. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IOPS | Total number of Input/Output operations write per second. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO, % | Total percentage of Input/Output operations that are writes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec from the disk. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
General: Write IO, latency | Average Input/Output write operation latency. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: CPU usage, % | Percentage of CPU used by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Full name | Full name of the Hypervisor running on the host. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO, latency | Input/Output operation latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Memory usage, % | Percentage of memory used by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO | The number of Input/Output operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IOPS | The number of Input/Output read operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO | Input/Output read operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Read IO, latency | Input/Output read latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Received, bytes | Bytes received over the network reported by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Timespan, sec | Hypervisor timespan. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total, sec | Total Input/Output operation time from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total, bytes | Total Input/Output operation size from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total read, bytes | Total size of Input/Output read operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: IO total read, sec | Total time of Input/Output read operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Transmitted, bytes | Bytes transmitted over the network reported by the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IOPS | Input/Output write operations per second from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO | Input/Output write operations from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Write IO, latency | Input/Output write latency from the Hypervisor. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Number of CPU cores | The number of CPU cores. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Number of CPU sockets | The number of CPU sockets. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Hypervisor: Number of CPU threads | The number of CPU threads. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IOPS | Input/Output operations per second from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO | Input/Output operations from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO, bandwidth | Data transferred in B/sec from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: IO, latency | Input/Output latency from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IOPS | Input/Output read operations per second from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO | Input/Output read operations from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, % | Percentage of Input/Output operations from the Storage Controller that are reads. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, bandwidth | Read data transferred in B/sec from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, latency | Input/Output read latency from the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Read IO, bytes | Storage Controller average read Input/Output in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Total transformed usage, bytes | Actual usage of the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO | Input/Output write operations to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IOPS | Input/Output write operations per second to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, % | Percentage of Input/Output operations to the Storage Controller that are writes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, bandwidth | Write data transferred in B/sec to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, latency | Input/Output write latency to the Storage Controller. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Controller: Write IO, bytes | Storage Controller average write Input/Output in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata capacity, bytes | The total capacity of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata free, bytes | The free space of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: Das-sata usage, bytes | The used space of Das-sata in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD capacity, bytes | The total capacity of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD free, bytes | The free space of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Storage Tier: SSD usage, bytes | The used space of SSD in bytes. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Nutanix: Failed to get metric data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP/>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Failed to get disk data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP/>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Failed to get alert data from the API | Failed to get data from the API. Check the latest values for details. |
length(last(/Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP/>0 |
High | |
Nutanix: Host is in degraded status | Host is in a degraded status. The host may soon become unavailable. |
last(/Nutanix Host Prism Element by HTTP/ |
High |
LLD rule Disk discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Disk discovery | Discovery of all disks. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Disk discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Bandwidth | Bandwidth of the disk in B/sec. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Space: Total, bytes | The total disk space in bytes. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Space: Free, bytes | The free disk space in bytes. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: IOPS | The number of Input/Output operations from the disk. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: IO, latency | The average Input/Output operation latency. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Space: Logical usage, bytes | The logical used disk space in bytes. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Online | Indicates whether the disk is online. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Status | Current disk status. One of the following: - NORMAL; - DATA_MIGRATION_INITIATED; - MARKED_FOR_REMOVAL_BUT_NOT_DETACHABLE; - DETACHABLE. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
Disk [{#DISK.SERIAL}]: Space: Used, bytes | The used disk space in bytes. |
Dependent item |["{#DISK.SERIAL}"] Preprocessing
LLD rule Alert discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Alert discovery | Discovery of all alerts. Alerts will be grouped by title. For each alert, in addition to the basic information, the number of activation and last alert ID will be available. |
Dependent item | Preprocessing
Item prototypes for Alert discovery
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Full title | The full title of the alert. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Create datetime | The alert creation date and time. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Severity | Alert severity. One of the following: - Info; - Warning; - Critical; - Unknown. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: State | Alert state. One of the following: - OK; - Problem. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Detailed message | Detailed information about the current alert. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Last alert ID | Latest ID of the alert. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
Alert [{#ALERT.NAME}]: Count alerts | The number of times this alert was triggered. |
Dependent item |["{#ALERT.KEY}"] Preprocessing
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