Prophylaxis Powder

Proxeo Aura Air Polishing Powder

Whether you are working supragingivally, in the sulcus or in deep pockets, the combination of the right powder, the corresponding setting on the adjustment ring and the matching spray head ensures you always achieve optimal treatment results.

Prophylaxe & Parodontologie

Prophylaxe & Parodontologie


* Multiflex® ist eine Marke einer Drittpartei, die mit W&H Dentalwerk Bürmoos GmbH nicht in Verbindung steht.

    • SOFT

      Prophylaxis Powder SOFT

      Removes supragingival biofilm and stains from the tooth surface gently and effectively.

      › Removal of extrinsic stains
      › Cleaning of fissures and cavities
      › Cleaning of orthodontic brackets


      Prophylaxis Powder SENSITIVE – Glycine Powder

      Removes supra- and subgingival
      biofilm atraumatically.

      › Gentle removal of stains
      › Biofilm management of periodontal pockets
      › Periodontal maintenance therapy
      › Implant care and treatment of peri-implantitis
      › Cleaning of orthodontic brackets
      › Atraumatic cleaning of restorative materials
      › Minimally invasive on exposed tooth necks and dentine

      Clinical indications



      Removal of supragingival biofilm
      Removal of extrinsic stains
      Removal of subgingival biofilm
      Biofilm management of periodontal pockets
      Care of implant surfaces
      Treatment of peri-implantitis
      Cleaning of restorative materials
      Care of fillings
      Cleaning of brackets
      Cleaning of cavity margins prior to etching
      Cleaning of fissures prior to sealing
      Preparation for bleaching

      Proxeo Aura Air Polishing Powder - Prophylaxis Powder

      Prophylaxis Powder SOFT

      › Based on sodium bicarbonate
      › Average particle size 40 μm
      › Mint taste

      Prophylaxis Powder SOFT
      REF 08020870

      4x250 g

      Prophylaxis Powder SENSITIVE – Glycine Powder

      › Based on glycine
      › Average particle size 25 μm
      › Sweetish taste
      › Water soluble

      Prophylaxis Powder SENSITIVE
      REF 08020890

      2x160 g

      Sets for successful air polishing

      Proxeo Aura Prophy-Set

      Air polishing handpiece
      › 120° spray head
      › Prophylaxis Powder SOFT (250 g)

      REF 08020760

      W&H RotoQuick

      PF-60 M
      REF 08020770

      KaVo Multiflex

      Proxeo Aura Perio-Set

      Air polishing handpiece
      › 120° spray head
      › Spray head perio
      › 40 perio tips (subgingival)
      › Prophylaxis Powder SOFT (250 g)
      › Prophylaxis Powder SENSITIVE - Glycine Powder (160 g)

      REF 08020761

      W&H RotoQuick

      PF-60 M
      REF 08020771

      KaVo Multiflex

      PF-60 N
      REF 08020781


      PF-60 S
      REF 08020791
