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The Weather Channel and Your Privacy

Everything is better when it’s tailored to you, including your weather forecast. Our website uses data from your browser to provide a personalised website experience.

We recognise the importance of being responsible with your data. That’s why we offer you choices on how your data is used. Learn more in our Privacy Policy.

Advertising and Cookie Preferences

This website allows millions of users like you to receive accurate weather forecasts and important severe weather alerts, free of charge – and ads are what make that possible. But it’s your choice whether you get interest-based ads or generic ads.

As our Privacy Policy describes, when you grant permission, we use your browser’s advertising ID to enable interest-based ads. You can change permissions at any time by modifying your cookie preferences below.

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We’ve put you in control of what data you share with us. To request a copy of data collected from this browser, manage your preferences or request that data be deleted, click Manage Data below.

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