The mission of Meat Products Community Group is to propose, discuss, create and maintain extensions to related to meat items commonly traded internationally.
Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
In November 2015 the idea of hosted extension has been initiated during Ontological Workshop in Kazimierz Dolny (Poland). The idea was then supported by Jerzy Wierzbicki, the President of the Association of Polish Beef and Robert Trypuz, KUL.
The first proposal of the extension have been developed by Robert Trypuz and his students (Patryk Matlak, Michał Sternik, Malwina Adamiec, Adrianna Lewandowska, Ewelina Pałka, Dagmara Siek and Joanna Wawrzyniec) during the next few months. It is available here:
In January 2016, the Meat Products Community Group was proposed in order to encourage more specialists, particularly from the meat industry, to join an open discussion about the best form and content of the extensions.
The current plan for the group is to discuss a set of types and properties describing meat products to be included into our proposal of meat hosted extension. This process will deliver a set of terms that shall enable webmasters to describe the most important meat products on their websites, and in other forms of digital communication.
We shall take into account terms proposed by UNECE standards and MSA which have been created to facilitate trade by recommending an international language for use between buyers and sellers. In the standards we find for instance terms describing types of production, packing or feeding systems. We shall also carefully analyze the websites of online shops selling meat.
We are looking forward to your active participation and fruitful discussions.
The Community Chairs:
Robert Trypuz
Jerzy Wierzbicki
Our goal is to propose, discuss, create and maintain extensions to related to meat items commonly traded internationally. Let us briefly explain what is.
On the website we read: is a collaborative, community activity with a mission to create, maintain, and promote schemas for structured data on the Internet, on web pages, in email messages, and beyond. provides a core, basic vocabulary for describing the kind of entities the most common web applications need. There is often a need for more specialized and/or deeper vocabularies, that build upon the core. The extension mechanisms facilitate the creation of such additional vocabularies.
With most extensions, we expect that some small frequently used set of terms will be in core, with a long tail of more specialized terms in the extension.
There are two kinds of extensions: reviewed/hosted extensions and external extensions. Both kinds of extensions typically add subclasses and properties to the core. Properties may be added to existing and/or new classes. More generally, they are an overlay on top of the core, and so they may add domains/ranges, superclasses, etc. as well. Extensions have to be consistent with the core Every item in the core (i.e., is also in every extension. Extensions might overlap with each other in concepts (e.g., two extensions defining terms for financial institutions, one calling it FinancialBank and other calling it FinancialInstitution), but we should not have the same term being reused to mean something completely different (e.g., we should not have two extensions, one using Bank to mean river bank and the other using Bank to mean financial institution).
Our extension is intended to be a hosted extension of and as such it will share types and properties with the “core” of
The mission of Meat Products Community Group is to propose, discuss, create and maintain extensions to related to meat items commonly traded internationally.
This is a community initiative. This group was originally proposed on 2016-01-21 by Robert Trypuz. The following people supported its creation: Robert Trypuz, Rafał Trójczak, Patryk Matlak, Piotr Kulicki, Marlena Michalska. W3C’s hosting of this group does not imply endorsement of the activities.