The mission of this group is to help Chinese developers and designers to build an accessible web.
This group will not produce technical specifications.
w3c/cnwaGroup's public email, repo and wiki activity over time
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
“Web for All, Web on Everything” – 实现所有人,无论其硬件、软件、网络、语言、文化、位置、身体或心理能力如何,都能够平等享有 Web 权益是 W3C 坚守的设计原则和社会使命。W3C Web 无障碍标准计划 (Web Accessibility Initiative,简称 WAI) 是 W3C 的重要组成部分。WAI 与世界各地组织通力合作,致力于实现让残障人士更容易地使用 Web:确保 Web 的核心技术支持无障碍特性;为网页内容、用户代理以及创作工具制定无障碍指南准则;推动对无障碍评估和修复工具的开发;进行无障碍教育与推广;与研发及开发机构合作提升 Web 可访问性;促进全球 Web 无障碍标准的协调与统一。
2019年3月18日消息:W3C 将于2019年6月27-28日,在美国华盛顿州雷德蒙德市举办 Web 游戏技术研讨会。本次研讨会由 W3C 会员单位微软公司承办,对公众开放!
* 3D 图形渲染:AAA级游戏的高优先级特性、规范、时间线 * 多线程操作:后台渲染(OffscreenCanvas)、SharedArrayBuffer 状态 * WebAssembly:让 Web 对游戏引擎而言成为更好目标编译平台的相关功能,调试、绑定到 Web IDL 中所定义的新的和已有的 Web API * 云游戏(游戏点播):改进 Web 流媒体技术 * 游戏输入 API:检测游戏控制设备上按键的具体位置、支持高级控制器功能、支持游戏专用控制器 * 游戏中的音乐/音效:改进 Web 音频及相关 API,使用新的音频输入/输出设备机制、生成音乐、将音频引擎移植到 Web 上 * 游戏资源保护:模型、代码、游戏逻辑、 Devtools 的探索 * 游戏资源管理:在后台加载和存储几百MB游戏资源的机制、离线执行游戏包体 * 可访问性(无障碍)与国际化:API、语义、渲染、处理、个性化、定制、互操作性等多项技术融合,确保游戏的可访问性,以及解决可能面对的国际化问题
W3C announced today a Workshop on Web Games, 27-28 June 2019, in Redmond, WA, USA. The event is hosted by Microsoft.
This workshop aims to bring together browser vendors, game engines
developers, games developers, game distributors, and device
manufacturers to enrich the Open Web Platform with additional
technologies for games, including action, casual, first-person shooter
(FPS), multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA), massively multiplayer
online role-playing (MMORPG), sports, and Virtual Reality / Augmented
Reality (VR/AR) games. Attendance is free for all invited participants
and is open to the public, whether or not W3C members.
Expected topics of discussion include:
3D graphics rendering: high-priority features for AAA games, specifications, timeline
Multithreading operations: background rendering (OffscreenCanvas), status of SharedArrayBuffer
WebAssembly: additional features to make the Web a better build
target for game engines, debugging, bindings to new and existing Web
APIs defined in Web IDL
Cloud gaming: improvements to Web streaming technologies
Game input APIs: detection of keys’ physical locations on a game
controller, support for advanced controller features, support for
game-specific controllers
Music/Sound effects in games: improvements to Web Audio and related
APIs, mechanisms to use new audio input/output devices, generative
music, porting of audio engines to the Web
Game assets protection: models, code, game logic, Devtools exploration
Game assets management: mechanisms to load and store hundreds of MB of assets in the background, packaging for offline execution
Game accessibility and internationalization: APIs, semantics,
techniques for rendering, processing, personalization, customization,
interoperability, etc. to ensure accessibility of games and address
possible internationalization issues
A final Working Draft of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 has been published for wide review before a planned advance to Candidate Recommendation in January 2018. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, which extends Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, covers a wide range of recommendations for making Web content more accessible to people with disabilities, and more usable to users in general. Please comment no later than 12 January 2018 in the WCAG 2.1 GitHub repository or by email to