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Community & Business Groups

Ad Ops Speaks on DNT Community Group

Representatives from various publishers and advertising technology firms in ad operations roles discuss W3C's Tracking Protection Working Group's draft papers on Tracking Preference Expression and Tracking Compliance and Scope, and possibly propose alterations and amendments.

Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time

Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.

Microsoft IE10 Flips on DNT as Default

Hi all,

Sorry I’ve been incommunicado, but it’s been crazy times at AdMonsters. However, there was a big piece of news last week directly related to our little group – Microsoft IE10 was released and it’s got DNT set on from the get-go. Most of the online advertising community was (understandably) pretty upset.

It’s a big big deal because (according to StatCounter) around 40% of US browsing is done on IE. That doesn’t mean tomorrow 40% of the Internet population will be untargetable (though that is a long-term worst-case scenario) as IE10 will take time to filter out.

We could debate motives of the move all day and night. I can see why Ryan Singel of Wired thinks it’s a shot at Google’s targeted advertising business. From what I understood from our meeting with Aleecia MacDonald, publishing and advertising operations within the same company must be kept separate – that is, Microsoft Advertising cannot use data collected by Microsoft sites. So there shouldn’t be a “first-party” advantage, as I’ve seen suggested by others – however, perhaps I’m in the wrong here… Was that the way you guys saw it?

Really, what we should discuss is –

  • How will this move affect publishers like yourselves?
  • Are you/can you prepare for the consequences of this move?
  • And is this a wise play by Microsoft? The guidelines around DNT are still under heavy debate; plus the DAA is threatening to ignore DNT requests from IE10. Is the future of DNT in jeopardy?

I’d love to hear your thoughts. Also, I am trying to attend a private town hall meeting on DNT with the IAB and Aleecia; If I can go I’ll report my findings here. Is anyone else going to attend?