Since 1983 Stentec is creating innovative products. The specialism was mostly on the aero- and hydrodynamics which were used to develop windmills and windmill parks. Around 1990 the Stentec team released their first real Sail Simulator to the water sport market. This very realistic sailing simulator for Windows is used massively as a game and teaching aid. Throughout the years Sail Simulator has become even more beautiful grafically and realistic in gameplay.
Thanks to Sail Simulator, Stentec came in contact with the water sports world and in the late 1990s they started work on digital nautical navigation. At the start, the now well-known navigation software WinGPS was only used in combination with the DKW 1800 series charts (Dutch coastal waters) or with self-scanned charts.
Stentec has since grown to a worthy water sports company that won two prices for innovation with WinGPS at the HISWA, with a broad selection of digital water charts.
Click on the blocks for a summary of the event.