What is Reverso all about?

Reverso is a portal of linguistic tools including: translation, dictionary, spell-checker, conjugation, grammar, pronunciation feature (just click on a word or a selection of words or on the voice icon).
It is a free service mostly financed by advertising. However, we are trying to make the browsing of our website as pleasant as possible for you, by not displaying intrusive advertisements and by constantly working on the improvement of our services.

For a quick access to all Reverso tools, we have created the Reverso browser extension. In one click you can translate in context any word or expression and enjoy many other Reverso features, directly from your browser. Install it now for free.

Reverso is collaborative and counts on a community of members that give feedback on translations, add words and phrases to our collaborative dictionary, look at and validate other members ‘entries, vote and comment them. If you want to be part of the community and help us improve our tools, join us! Membership is totally free.

We aim at offering you the best free linguistic services ever. That's why your feedback is highly appreciated. To share your ideas, get in touch with us through the contact form, use the rating feature after translating or spell checking texts or add comments to the Collaborative Dictionary's entries. If you are an expert in languages and new technologies and you want to join our editorial team, please let us know!

Behind the scenes…

Reverso is a website published by Reverso-Softissimo, which provides solutions for companies to manage their multilingual communication. If you'd like to find out more, please visit our corporate website.
If you have a website and look for an easy and cost-effective solution to translate your website in several languages and have the translated versions indexed, have a look at our Reverso Documents platform.

Reverso-Softissimo, as a pioneer in language technologies, is involved in several EC-funded research projects, such as:
  • Faust: this project aims at allowing your feedback to be even more quickly processed so that you and other users can benefit almost immediately from your feedback. Within this project, we have created the Reverso Labs that enables you to test various translation engines from prestigious providers and universities and use of different features to compare them. Try the Reverso Labs!
  • Documents: Reverso Documents allows you to create multilingual versions of your websites and applications in a few minutes. It gives you also user-friendly tools to improve and revise the translation. Try it now.

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