With over 60,000 active volunteers making a difference to their communities across England and Wales, we want to share stories from local residents who've been positively impacted by being a part of Neighbourhood Watch, or being supported by our volunteers.

If you have a story to share, and want us to celebrate the positive impact that Neighbourhood Watch has had for you or your community, let us know! Email our Head of Communications and Digital to share your story: comms@ourwatch.org.uk

Local support after a Burglary incident in Stockport

"Many years ago we were burgled, after recently moving from a semi on a small friendly cul-de-sac on to a road with larger houses on larger plots. One afternoon I went out for a couple of hours with our 2 young sons and on arrival back home, found that we had been burgled. What we thought was a strong wooden front door had been smashed open. I soon learnt that a door is only as strong as its frame. The thieves had taken the TV and in the rush had dropped one of the speakers by the front door. Fortunately, a next door neighbour heard the alarm and was vigilant in noting a description of the car and its registration number. With this information, the police were able to catch the thieves and it was reassuring to know they did time in prison, as a result of their crime."

"The incident left me rather unnerved. What helped me was joining ‘Homewatch’ as it was called at the time. Our street was quite lengthy, so I decided to take just a section of the road. I knocked on all doors and everyone warmly welcomed the idea. I set up a meeting at our house and arranged for a guest speaker from the police. It was quite astonishing how neighbours met for the first time even though they had been living side by side for numerous years!

Click here to read the full story from this Stockport volunteer.

Burglary spate thwarted by local action in Burnley

In the run up to Christmas, local residents had experienced a terrifying spate of burglaries, where several homes were targeted. Local volunteers felt that they could do something to reduce fear of burglaries in the areas and to empower each other to protect themselves and their homes from burglary. A group of volunteers started working together to patrol the area throughout evenings, increasing their visible presence in the community and demonstrating that they were there to support each other and their neighbours. After a few weeks of this local activity, there was a marked decrease in burglaries in the area, and the Police were eventually able to apprehend the culprit of the recent spate. Local NW volunteers here demonstrated that community resilience and working together has a hugely positive impact on the reduction of local crime.

Community action in Merseyside

Merseyside Neighbourhood Watch has recently got a new team of volunteers working closely with the police as members of numerous Community Action Groups across Liverpool. The groups are focused on reducing Antisocial Behaviour, Burglary and car crime across the city, and are showing real benefits in crime reduction and improved connection between the police and local communities.